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María Paula Alarcón

$0.75 / minute

Astrology, Spiritual Coaching, Tarot

$10 deal: 15 minutes of reading

Special offer: $20 per 30 minutes of reading

Rebecca Hetherington

$2.50 / minute

Love Guidance, Tarot, Spiritualism

Special offer: no deal at this time


$0.99 / minute

Relationships, Spiritual Coaching, Love Guidance

$10 deal: 10 deal 15 mints

Special offer: 40 to 20 mints AMAZING DEAL IN WEEK 500 DAILY 1 HOUR


$0.99 / minute

Psychic Medium & Healing, Tarot, Love Guidance

$10 deal: 10-12 minutes short reading !

Special offer: $10 for 12 mins $20for 25 mins.$25 for 30 minutes. $50 for 60 minutes