Chrisie Augustina

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$4.44 $2.22 / minute

Astrology & Psychic Readings

Straightforward advice so you have clarity, guidance & spiritual protection.

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Love Compatibility reading

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10 mins for $22 / 25-min for $33

  • Description

    Straightforward advice so you have clarity, guidance & spiritual protection.

  • Experience

    I've never been "normal" - my very first memory as a child is of sitting on the floor trying to see the edge of the universe. Needing to understand Spirit is what led me to go deep into tarot and astrology. Then some years ago I attended an event where three different types of psychics called on people in an audience and gave them readings in front of everyone. This event changed my life!! I saw how healing psychic readings could be - and the next day I signed up for an in depth psychic development program. I combine card & psychic readings to help you get the guidance and peace you desire.

  • Degrees & Qualifications

    Highly Developed Clairs - I am informally and formally trained in all four psychic clairs: clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentient (feeling) and claircognezence (knowing). When you ask me a question I receive guidance for you through these four psychic senses. Intuitive Astrology - Your chart gives us some idea about what's going on but that's just the beginning. In every reading I also tune into the energy of the people, situation or question to reveal the deeper meaning the cards are pointing to. Energy Healer - With support from angels and Spirit I will help you remove unwanted obstacles or inherited patterns that might be keeping you from getting what you want.

  • Languages


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