Mondez Durden

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$2.75 / minute

Accurate Insight from An Intuitive Empath who has Over 20 Years Experience

Detail-oriented readings and practical workable advice from an empath with 20yrs professional experience. Recommended reading for relationship clients: Your Brain on Love: The Neurobiology of Healthy Relationships I'm an empath. I intuitively sense the characteristics of situations from emotions, intentions, behavior, and events. Analyzing these details, I weigh probability of outcomes from trends and give advice for practical solutions if available and possible. I prefer not knowing much going in so please don't tell me much at the beginning. First names are all I require or subject and initial question if there's no other person. I will provide some sensations I get and the client will only be charged if she, he or they feels I'm connecting. This process is to ensure I am not simply unconsciously working off information you've given me. Validation can take up to 10 minutes so come when you have ti

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$15 for 10 mins; $25 for 20 mins; $35 for 30 mins

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  • Description

    Detail-oriented readings and practical workable advice from an empath with 20yrs professional experience. Recommended reading for relationship clients: Your Brain on Love: The Neurobiology of Healthy Relationships I'm an empath. I intuitively sense the characteristics of situations from emotions, intentions, behavior, and events. Analyzing these details, I weigh probability of outcomes from trends and give advice for practical solutions if available and possible. I prefer not knowing much going in so please don't tell me much at the beginning. First names are all I require or subject and initial question if there's no other person. I will provide some sensations I get and the client will only be charged if she, he or they feels I'm connecting. This process is to ensure I am not simply unconsciously working off information you've given me. Validation can take up to 10 minutes so come when you have ti

  • Experience

    (*) freelanced for new age periodicals. (*) taught meditation at an adult education center in south Atlanta for a year, and currently teaches meditation to adult students in person and over voice. (*) Work currently as an intuitive adviser focusing on helping clients develop keen personal introspection and interpersonal communication skills.

  • Degrees & Qualifications

    Attended Clayton State College and University; For professional development, I took courses in behavioral modification, interpersonal and organizational communication development, small business development and management, cognitive behavioral therapy, and social impact theory. I have rounded my knowledge with courses in Greek philosophy, quantum physics, and basic coursework on the role of psychogenic and psychosocial factors in the development of cognitive and behavioral schema.

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Mondez Durden‘s reviews

  • xchristine9

    Rude and judgemental. If you can't read a vision don't get all defensive. People come on this site looking for a psyhic reading. You swear everyone know the difference between a empath and a clairvoyant.

    Advisor's reply


    U R stalking a stranger. that is not what I do. I told u I could not help & refunded you

  • momich

    I have done hundreds of online readings and this is my first negative review. Not because it was not favourable to me (I have had readers tell me my POI will not return and is happy with the woman he is with) but this reading was neither here nor there. My question was whether POI will remain with the other woman, the reading I got essentially was that "there is a chance that he might be for several months, or a year or several years" and finally told me to take what he predicted with a grain of salt as no reader can predict the future. I do not expect predictions to be 100% accurate nor do I expect favorable reading but I do wonder what I paid $25 for?

    Advisor's reply


    even though I told u I don't predict I did tell u the likely outcome. U R misrepresenting

  • heidimary951

    Felt like it was a fairytale I want my refund.

    Advisor's reply


    You only wanted predictions and got angry I don't give them. Sorry, but I don't give them

  • bless

    Would like a refund, gave me one paragraph and left after payment. Did not get to chat at all.

    Advisor's reply


    The system cut off us, love. I emailed you. Please pop back on to finish if possible. HUGS

  • kristie_c94

    Thanks. But some things contradicted themselves.

    Advisor's reply


    Sorry it felt contradictory. I will work on being clearer. Appreciate your feedback (HUG)

  • sonya1488

    reading was very confusing and just a lot of terminology

    Advisor's reply


    ((HUGS)) I'm sorry I could not help. I hope to clear things up and make this right

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