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⭐️NOW STREAMING NATIONWIDE⭐️ Award winning master Psychic & Twin Flames specialist ❤️ Career and Money guidance sold out Author❤️

❤️Allow Spirit to give you the peace, love and the abundance you deserve through the miracle of manifestation. ⭐️Real POWER can only be found in TRUTH which is the fact that you were born perfect and still are even if at times it's easy to forget...and by knowing what your POI is FEELING and THINKING indeed you can find your true path towards cosmic union ❤️Let's begin the journey...what does your heart crave...❤️Love ⭐️ Success ❤️Harmony ⭐️Infidelity ❤️Healing from the past wounds ⭐️Karmic guidance about why your life is the way it is ❤️The ability to Astral Travel...IT ALL STARTS from Clarity and knowing how to use the energies to your advantage. I AM here for you darling. ❤️Much love and Light ❤️

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10 mins @35. One deal per day ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  • Description

    ❤️Allow Spirit to give you the peace, love and the abundance you deserve through the miracle of manifestation. ⭐️Real POWER can only be found in TRUTH which is the fact that you were born perfect and still are even if at times it's easy to forget...and by knowing what your POI is FEELING and THINKING indeed you can find your true path towards cosmic union ❤️Let's begin the journey...what does your heart crave...❤️Love ⭐️ Success ❤️Harmony ⭐️Infidelity ❤️Healing from the past wounds ⭐️Karmic guidance about why your life is the way it is ❤️The ability to Astral Travel...IT ALL STARTS from Clarity and knowing how to use the energies to your advantage. I AM here for you darling. ❤️Much love and Light ❤️

  • Experience

    I was born with my powers as my bloodline counts 5 generations of Masters. What made me different from my ancestors was my analytical mind which allowed me to reach a profound mastering of the science of Astrology and in return being able to see how two bodies and minds are compatible, compensate, actually give or take to one another. Over the years I helped thousands of people from all walks of life and the most diverse backgrounds and never once felt " disconnected" for no matter who you are, what your story is, and what you may want in life you have one factor in common with every other soul on the planet: You're a creature of light and you're linked to bright higher source...even if at times you might feel that you're not. Through my travels around the globe I came in contact with multiple religions, rituals, ways of expressing spirituality and methods to open the third eye to show the path, give clarity, heal the wounds and most importantly to MASTER the LAW of ATTRACTION. I've embraced the totality of human mind and universal guidance so that I could bring one simple truth to the people : Pain is the Illusion, Restrictions are the Lie and Fear is Taught for you were not born with it. Truth is, that you, my darling, can indeed be and have absolutely anything you want...all you need is to know how to formulate the question.

  • Degrees & Qualifications

    Master in Astrology 1997 Psychic of the Year 2005 to present day (Australian Psychic institution) Supreme Samhain, Iceland 2003 Medal of Merit from the Australian federal police for outstanding contribution 2018 Keeper of the OM Bali 2023

  • Languages

    English, Italian

⭐️ANGELA⭐️‘s reviews

  • carol1244

    I always look forward to talking with you, Angela! Thank you so much for the reading :) I will be back soon.

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  • pinkrattle

    Thank you ❤️

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  • juliacruz

    Thank you!!

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  • anonymous

    Amazing thanks so much as always . Accurate and detailed

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  • chucha2020...

    Thank you for this light filled and healing session. You are simply amazing and exceptional.

    Advisor's reply



  • apples234

    Thanks so much! Very accurate!

    Advisor's reply



  • chucha2020...

    I appreciate you so much. Thank you for the guidance and understanding.

    Advisor's reply



  • hopeful58

    Angela and I have been working together for a long time. And each time her insights enlighten me they bring my best version of myself out more and more. Highly recommend

    Advisor's reply


    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You're such a wonderful soul, it's my blessing to connect with you...

  • hisbunalways

    Thank you, Angela! .....and for answering my last question too :)

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  • anonymous

    thank you <3

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  • anonymous

    As always thank you. Great reader and person

    Advisor's reply



  • dsunshine

    I came back after a while with Angela, she really gives honest advices about my situation, thanks for being here dear. I will be back with you as soon as i can.

    Advisor's reply



  • chucha2020...

    Thank you for this light filled and healing session. I appreciate you so very much.

    Advisor's reply



  • chucha2020...

    You are super wonderful. Thank you for the love and light.

    Advisor's reply



  • drumkidd

    Thanks Angela - you're the best xo

    Advisor's reply



  • anonymous

    Thanks so much , my go to . Will be back when I have more funds . :)

    Advisor's reply



  • anonymous

    Thank you so much it was very very helpful

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  • anonymous

    thank you for your insights

    Advisor's reply



  • anonymous

    My go to , so supportive and helpful . Accurately picks up the situation . Will be back . Have a great day .

    Advisor's reply



  • magicalnymph

    Always amazing insight from Angela :)

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