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$2.49 / minute

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I can help you with any area of your life, such as: Relationships, Career, or basically anything along your personal journey through life. I offer guidance, healing and the truth. When requesting a reading please be clear and specific when asking questions and provide relevant details. This will ensure that I will answer your exact question and give you relative guidance along with your specific request.

  • Description

    I can help you with any area of your life, such as: Relationships, Career, or basically anything along your personal journey through life. I offer guidance, healing and the truth. When requesting a reading please be clear and specific when asking questions and provide relevant details. This will ensure that I will answer your exact question and give you relative guidance along with your specific request.

  • Experience

    5 years plus.

  • Degrees & Qualifications

    I have travelled the world far and wide on my own spiritual journey, my journey has taken me to India, Nepal, Thailand, Hawaii, Bali and Cambodia just to name a few. I have studied with masters, witnessed and experienced incredible things. Im a natural born healer. I see spirits. My third eye is open. I'm gifted with the spiritual powers to read with my third eye, perform body scanning, remote viewing, remote healing and manifestation.

  • Languages


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