Celeste Bluhm

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$1.50 / minute

Celeste Bluhm

Psychic insight on everyday life issues. Connection with deceased loved ones or spiritual guides including animal totems, while receiving messages so one can heal. Connecting to the core of prominent issues that interfere and affect daily living including career, personal life, emotional well being, and relationships with others. I connect to each person's unique imprint of energy that corresponds to each individual's specific identity. This energy can and does relate to your emotions, health/well being, personality (characteristics and traits), your past (including karmic debts), and present. I will see and feel and even hear about future events at the rate I see you progressing (or not) on your path. I will connect to specific vibrations and energies that are influencing certain situations, people, and feelings. Then I will describe to you different circumstances or scenarios that will help you to control the outcome you wish and desire. #IdoAstrologyToo!Askme I'm on Purple Ocean!Look me up!

$10 deal

In depth Astrology Report-Sun House-Life Purpose!

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Ask me! Also $10 deal-What house is your sun in?#whatsyourlifepurpose?

  • Description

    Psychic insight on everyday life issues. Connection with deceased loved ones or spiritual guides including animal totems, while receiving messages so one can heal. Connecting to the core of prominent issues that interfere and affect daily living including career, personal life, emotional well being, and relationships with others. I connect to each person's unique imprint of energy that corresponds to each individual's specific identity. This energy can and does relate to your emotions, health/well being, personality (characteristics and traits), your past (including karmic debts), and present. I will see and feel and even hear about future events at the rate I see you progressing (or not) on your path. I will connect to specific vibrations and energies that are influencing certain situations, people, and feelings. Then I will describe to you different circumstances or scenarios that will help you to control the outcome you wish and desire. #IdoAstrologyToo!Askme I'm on Purple Ocean!Look me up!

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