Cathy (bluearrow)

Some years ago I ended a relationship with a man who I feel could never find happiness and because of this he tried to cause so much havoc in everyone elses relationships. Many marriages ended because of him and he played games with peoples lives. He continues to manipulate my oldest son who is in his twenties now and has broken up the relationship between myself and another friend. What can I do to make him stop if anything? And will my friend see through him and try to contact me again?

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

Straight to a lawyer with this one. I hope you can get legal aid. If not, google free legal advice online and you’ll get some links you can access. Otherwise, the CAB might advise you. You need to make a record of everything this man has done – dates, times, actions, consequences – as much as you can remember in logical factual way. In Scotland, you would be able to take this man to court because he is manipulating/bullying/and emotionally controlling you. You could actually come under the Vulnerable adult status. If he is a continual threat to your wellbeing and is pestering you, go to the police! They will record all incidents reported and could give him a warning. There’s no harm in making an appointment and discussing this issue with them to see what they say. Yes, be prepared for a brush off, but you can only try. Start by being apologetic, saying sorry you’re wasting their time, but you are really feeling stalked, bullied and tormented by an ex-partner. They should at least have someone you can talk to there, and be able to suggest alternative routes if they can’t do anything. Hope this helps.

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)


You need to go to the police and report him and get anyone who he is doing this to also to do the same he can be charged with stalking, harrassment maybe other things I would be getting a restraining order against him and if he breeches that then off to jail he will go. Keep a record of what he does and also get others to do the same that way you have evidance to strengthen your case. Do this immediately just a visit from the police is enough sometimes.

Best of luck

over 13 years ago

anthony (anthony_masterpsychic)

sweetie you must tell legal advice on this this man i do not like your son must stay away from him i do not like any of the feelings i am getting seek help do not let him get to you for if he sees that he is he will just keep on doing it!!!!

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)


Unfortunately there are some unpleasant people out there who for one reason or another are locked into the mindset if I can’t have that person no one can which makes them extremely dangerous and unpredictable thats why staking laws were introduced. Some people there brains are wired differently perhaps he was traumatised as a child it doesn’t take much to damage a child, perhaps he observed certain behaviour from others as a child I am not excusing that guys behaviour at all there could be many reasons as to why. Whats important is stopping him do not let him have power over you by letting him get away with it he still has power and he is extremely ignorant. By you going to the police you take back control.

Best of luck

over 13 years ago

Dhruv (dhruvsharmas)

Provide your dob details and with your horoscope we can see how and when your problem can be resolved. If you have his details we can know when he will have to pay for his karma. Remember one always has to pay for bad karma. You can take guidance to avoid problems and know when to do what to avoid any such problems in future

over 13 years ago

Psychic Samantha (psychicadvisorsamantha)


This situation has way to much negative energy around it you need to try your best to stop feeding into it Please conatct me for more details


over 13 years ago