miko fox (miko)

what hapened in my dream was there was an rv parked outside of the house. dad tells me to go see who it is and i wind up going inside of the rv and nobody is in there. this woman comes inside,doesnt see me and starts to drive off with the r…v. i scream for her to stop and take me back home. first couple of time she was like oblivious,the third time she heared me and took me back home. we walk into the house together and she says “i trust you”. long story short she wants me to read her cards so i go in my bedroom to get my hanson-roberts deck but as i put it down on the table i realize there are many cards missing. i see a bunch of cards on the floor too. i dont remember the rest but i really do believe some kind of message was in this dream

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

Hi, dad giving permission for you to do something. Are you holding back from something because you don’t quite trust your own judgement? I see two possibilities about the woman driving off without realising you are there – Are you in a situation at the moment where you don’t feel listened to? Where you don’t quite trust the people around you or feel you aren’t being listened to? That someone is ignoring your advice? That your psychic gift and readings aren’t taken seriously? (It could also be a dual thing – the woman is a reflection of yourself and is telling you to listen to your instincts and trust you are on the right path. Trust yourself, you don’t need anyone’s confirmation or permission to do what you instinctively know is right) You are laying all your cards on the table, but some bits are missing. You are looking for answers/clarity/confirmation/honesty about something in your life, but haven’t got all pieces to be able to do that? Cards on the floor, maybe indicates being trampled on? Hope that helps a bit.

over 13 years ago

miko fox (miko)

thanks jenny. im thinking that sounds about right. the reason i have refrained from giving any readings is because that feeling is just creeping over me again like my heart is just not into it. i have been having many wild dreams as of late and last night’s dream had some of the same elements.

i was inside what i thought was a condo with my older brother and we were watching tv. unsolved mysteries was on and the episode was about some kind of creature. a giant apparently but then it would somehow shrink and enter people’s houses. whatever it was it was pretty scary actually and people would know when it was coming and hide from it(this sounds so silly i know lol). i also heared something about it having a symbol on its forehead that was related to a saint. next i remember my brother and i hiding from it. after that its father’s day and my mom and i are at the market buying somethign to give to my dad. then im at my office with a lady and i shuffle the cards and remember one card was 3 of wands from the rider-waite deck.

another dream memorable dream i had involved what i think was a forest. there were trees,rivers and lots of exotic lookng animals but at the same time it was lke a dessert. i was there with my family and i remember i killed a bunch of snakes and stepped on them because i was trying to protect this creature they were trying to eat. the way i felt in this dream was excited and fascinated. i am thinking maybe these dreams are saying to take some time for myself and shift my focus elsewhere. some parts i still dont understand0.o

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

I’m having similar dreams, some of which bear no resemblance to the life I’m living or people I’m seeing. I call them transitionary dreams because I’m at a different stage in my life. Re-thinking, having to accept the way some things are, moving forward in a new job, re-working out my past and it’s significance in my present. (Hiding from monster with a saintly symbol on its head – hiding from your spiritual side which is confusing and frightening you at the moment because you are unsure about your gift and are not getting the encouragement you need to be reassured it’s the right thing. A break is no bad thing if you are stressed about it, but use the break to explore, meet with other spiritual people, have a healing session to get in touch with your self belief.)

over 13 years ago

miko fox (miko)

i’ll try that thanks. and since last night i have been feeling very sad for somer reason

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

you are grieving for what has been before and because you are subconsciously, but naturally, ‘letting go’ of what has been. You are beginning to re-adjust your perspective of things. For me, this happens every 7 to 10 years. Look after yourself and be kind to yourself. If it’s true that our bodies are only being used by our souls as temporary accommodation, and continually come back to earth in a different body to learn and push themselves on to higher understanding and acceptance, then maybe your soul is understanding something or has reached a point of growth. I’m not sure about the soul stuff, but you might understand more about it. Going to bed. Got work tomorrow. Night x

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)

Hi Miko and Jenny

Humans have the ability to pick up how others are feeling its the empath in all of us. Just like when 2 or more women that know each other have their periods at the same time.

As for dreams they can be a reflection of ones waking life, warning messages there is a website dream moods a – z that gives individual meanings that I go to whenever I have an odd dream.

The reoccuring dream is very important as it has an important message.

In dreams you have control of the outcome compared to ones waking life.

over 13 years ago

miko fox (miko)

went on dream moods last night was very helpful. i do remember this on time i was walking through an animal shelter and i swear i was picking up on what those animals were feeling. was a mixture of fear,anger,sadness and confusion. i just knew some of them had to be abused.

over 13 years ago