Bonita (beautifulspirit2)

hi my name is Renee born September 3, 1982 female and i’ve been seeing this guy name Cedric february 3, 1975 for about one year and one month. What do you see with us now and into the future?

over 10 years ago

Psychic Jessica (mizjessica)

I get something pointing doubting. Your doubting is the reason why things are not working as you would of liked them to. If you want more insight let me know. Blessings to you

over 10 years ago

mary intuitive (maryintuitive)

It feels like trying to find a way to ‘fit’ or similar. Like going around in circles figuring out how you fit (the two of you etc).

over 10 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

HI Renee,

If you look through my profile and feedback you will see that I am not only real but very good at what I do.Lets take a look into this situation and see whats a head for you both.

Blessed be!


over 10 years ago


I’m online and available.. 10 years experience.. No sugar coating! Accurate as can be!!

over 10 years ago

Fay Glace (psychic_fay_glace)

I connect the spell to the clients or the subjects zodiac footprint to make it strong and unstoppable.

over 10 years ago