Bonita (beautifulspirit2)

hi my name is Renee born september 3, 1982. Will things be better? what do u see for spring 2011? and summer 2011? I’ve been looking for a serious, accurate and a good psychic for a long long time about my life and things going on in my life…To give me answers with no confusion.. thank you for taking the time out to read this…......

over 13 years ago

Ms Angela (diamondtarot)

Hi Renee, I see two major events coming up in your life. In June there will be a change of circumstances for you related to your work and financial situation. In August – the world is your oyster – I even predict a move and/or overseas business/ work for you coming your way…foreign influences will be lucky.

Love Angela

*corrected after first post – June – not May x Angela

over 13 years ago

Mystic Angel (mysticangel)

Hi Renee I can help you out with your questions and let you know what is in your future.

I have a few different types of services I can offer you, one which I suggest is a tarot scope for the 2 seasons, which each will focus on love and relationships and career and financial, and comes with psychic insights and angelice guidance as well….this is very explainatory and comes with alot of detail and depth.

come and see me in chat or send me a message and we can go from there

bless angel

over 13 years ago

Bonita (beautifulspirit2)

thank you to those who reply to this post i need some type of good news to hear lately life has been just a struggle for me and also people have been spreading lies and gossip, so i;ve been keeping to myself trying to hold my head even when it hurts me so bad..i sad that/s what i feel in my heart the world in which i live in right now is against me…I wish people would just see i’m none of the lies people have made me out to be but its nice know something good could actually happen in my life…thank you alot…lot..

over 13 years ago

Master Psychic White Raven (jennifer2011)

Blessing and Love and Light to you Renee. I sense that you are a very fixed , determined, and hard-working induvidual. I sense that life seems to allow you very little time to enjoy th luxries of fun and amusment. Without some restraints I also see you can become a bit of a workaholic, which could be deterimental to your health down the road so to speek..I sense that you have recently been challenged, and therefore there is a bit of stubborn nature coming out and anger, and restment here, its rather seething acutally, . BUT you are correct about these people and you were aware of thier motives from the very begining,, meaning you sort of picked up on them before this all went down. I sense this recent event has left you rather moody too, which is understandable my dear.. Come see me when you have the time..

Blessings and Infininte Happiness to you Renee.

Love White Raven~

over 13 years ago

Psychic Insight by Adrianne (spiritualadrianne)

Hi hun—I’m a very accurate psychic, I give long, detailed answers even in my basic readings, I never confuse my clients, I give very clear answers, I’m confident about all of my predictions, time frames and much more. I can tell you everything in your future and exactly how it will happen without being hesitant at all.

over 13 years ago