Ivan Delabra Lara (ivand)

Please I humbly ask that you dont do this to me and to me this mean and cold I ask this from you and the members and a explanation and I humbly appologize if I have lost my temper some times but I havent been rude or use improper language. Please try to understand and just be a friend and nice to me and try to help me I only ask this from you and the advisors I really need help and answers I dont feel im asking too much but I cant appologize for being honest and I didnt knew it was wrong to reply afterall I must answer to what im told either people want to help me or not like has happened her. Im sorry if for the cold hearthed more cold hearted than me is hard to read but I can only be honest I will try not to mention it again or much hopefully because my life ends tonight but actually everybody dies and I just simply have and want to die its not a choice I would prefer had a life had studied be married be dad and have my family but that never happened im so alone and hollow plus dammed please try to understand I offer you an appology and ask you to be reasonable and sent me a reply. Im really sorry for incoveniences I really have needed to talk or at least chat with someone I really need the help and answers I wish gods or highelementals give me a price I really would use a chat with an advisor and making a diference into the lives of the baby I love the woman I love and my mom and buy some stuff I need to get and get out of this country I hate a couple of days I wish I could make her a visit and know the place but I couldnt even with money since im nothing to her. I would cry if I still could I really need a friend help and answers and I simply wish the gods or elementals would grant me that my price and to end my misery after that.

over 13 years ago