Shani (shanigirl77)

Changes need to be made and one that I’m debating on right now is whether to be his friend or to just cut him away completely? I tend to run from issues instead of facing them head on at times. So I’m unsure if the cutting away is me not dealing with it or just a good idea.

over 10 years ago

Adviser Hannah (psychicreaderhannah)

Hello, i can help and guide you with whatever you want or need, i can give you a full reading with no time limit for $15, i give no false hope. contact me live for more info. :)

over 10 years ago

Cristina (askcristina)

Breaking away is a good idea if this person is bringing you down. it’s not running from an issue, it’s self preservation and you gotta love yourself!

over 10 years ago

katie (katiespsychicreadings)

well dear i see running from your problems is how you deal with your your issues and it works out at times but dear sometimes they do come back after you you cant always run if you face the issue now! you will be able to live a worry free life dont safe the problem for later down your road you want happiness and worrys and problems

and if i can help you with anything else let me know im ONLINE

over 10 years ago

Valentina Holly (psychicvalentinavisions)

you question yourself way to much dear, a lot of changes are instore but you are being your own worst enemy. contact me for a full detailed reading!

over 10 years ago

Ama Victor (amavictor)

With the right alignment of energies, you can work toward a friendship that works for both of you.

Contact me if you need to make an appointment for an energy alignment. Be well. :)

over 10 years ago

Advisor Destiny Lee (psychiclee)

their needs to be cummunication for you and this person walking away isnt going to help you get over things but make things more harder to forget. come chat with me ill explain more.

hope to hear from you soon!

ty & gb :)

over 10 years ago

EstherLibra (estherlibra)

Dear Shani,

The problem is that just being his friend is not trully what you want – correct me if I am incorrect.

Sticking around in that case is like putting yourself on torture road amd banging your head against a brick wall. You will only ended up getting upset and wasting time when someone who is going to love you will pass you by because your focus is here. My two cents worth.

All the best ESTHER

over 10 years ago

Ashleigh Reiki & Tarot (ashleigh26)

Hello, I think this is a great question for my $10 special, a two-card reading. It’ll give you a short focused answer which I think you need right now. Contact me live and we’ll get started.

over 10 years ago

PSYCHIC PALACE VISIONS (masterpsychicsophia)

i can provide you with a detailed reading on this situation just contact me today

over 10 years ago

Barbara Ann Reen (hearttoheart)

*as a psychic i see the reasons why you run sometimes and i’ll also tell you what else i see – in your heart of hearts you do not want to cut this person off completely – come chat and lets get to what going on here and it will change many things in your life Barbara

over 10 years ago