Jarvis (wireless213)

I don’t know why some people will get offended for the simple test question that i’ve posted earlier…

I was just looking for someone that can connect to me so that i can hire that person….

Well since i couldn’t fine anyone .. i’ll put the answer here…


over 13 years ago


I am sorry for that.

I suppose it is time for you to really get another form of help, Jarvis. This is a difficult thing to accept and heal from. But as one of the respondents in the thread you have just deleted, you might be suffering from psychic addiction which would really cost you a lot financially and emotionally.

As I said, sites like this are for entertainment purposes only and understandably, you have been seeking for answers ‘psychics’ could not give you.

I still reiterate what I said earlier, step back and reassess where you are now, and seek the kind of help that will keep you moving along your spiritual path.

I don’t have answers for you, but I can be here if you need someone to talk to. I’ve gone through people who have been through traumatic experiences as I work with some of them and try to offer what I could through friendship and assistance with their study skills.

I am sure your father doesn’t want to see you suffering like this, and if he was the cause of you spending money over ‘psychics’, I don’t think he would like that either.

I, for one, was not at all offended with the post you have written earlier. I have actually thought it was a good thread because it exposed the other side of this ‘business’ – that there are FAKE psychics out there and they thrive on people’s weaknesses. It simply is not the way to live one’s life. And it would have been a very good lesson for those who missed the chance to read it.

Again, I’m sorry for what happened to your dad, and I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for in your path.

over 13 years ago



If it helps – please email me. (I actually have no idea if this site has that option but I usually get notices on my account if I have email so it does!)

over 13 years ago

Jarvis (wireless213)

Hi Archeiafaye,,,

Thank you so much for your comment and concern.

Believe it or not, I’m premuch healed and i don’t suffer from the loss of my father anymore… I even went through bigger trauma after my fathers death and finally realized or had spiritual awakening which made me the person who i am…. I do think i’m addicted to psychics because when I was going through tough times… This one psychic was there to helped me out and gave me hope and comfort and foremost he was very accurate… Ever since than i’m looking for another psychic that are accurate and give me the hope that i’ve gotten from the one psychic that i’ve consulted with…..

The question about my father was just to find the psychic that are really connected to my situation and nothing more….

over 13 years ago


Yes, and I understood that. I actually commended you for standing up and putting that issue forward. (And exposing ehrm, say, one of ‘em. I just cannot stop laughing over it until now. Bless that person’s heart.)

Are you in touch with this psychic still? Perhaps you don’t need to find another psychic if you have him already as some sort of guide?

I went through some spiritual training when I fell into pieces – like you, I sought the help of other people instead of believing and trusting myself. So it was really a hard lesson and a lot of forgiving to do. I’m still on my healing path, but it gets easier everyday.

I think you should really take a rest from all of this, and start practicing listening to your own voice. I maybe able to direct you to some people who could help you (at no cost!), but of course you would need to be open minded and willing to let go of this addiction. And they have greatly helped me in my personal path. But I could only direct you to them if HEALING is what you sincerely seek. Because that’s where it all starts so you can learn to master your own fate without having to spend money on psychics. :)

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)


I went through what you have with the psychic thing it pays to limit how many you talk to and I do wonder why you did go looking for more when you already found an accurate one. I wouldn’t have bothered.

As for Archeiafaye I think you have missed a vital point everyone has the psychic gift its called the sixth sense it is more developed in some and of course closed in others because they are skeptical. It takes years to develop. I saw a murder through the visions I had last year and as a result of taking that information to the police they found the body and arrested the culprit so if you were calling me fake then you might want to rethink that I aint fake I am not here to make money just help people as my way of giving back and saw that challenge to test myself. I see archeiafaye you assume things bad habbit.

Any way it is good that you have healed jarvis and things will get better.

Best of luck

over 13 years ago


Oh that wasn’t you at all. Jarvis knows who I was talking about. So please don’t assume too.

Besides, I already know you are practicing your gifts too and you are here to help. :)

over 13 years ago

John Atla - Psychic Empath (atlara)

You do have an addiction to psychics Jarvis. At least you acknowledge it. If you want to find your path in life, sorry but no one can tell you that, it’s a process of discovery we all must take. As I said on the last thread before it was deleted, you don’t need a psychic, you need to let go of this and take those steps on your own path. Spiritual teachers are more your thing if you take that path, not psychic helps. You don’t need our help, you need to get up and find God on that path you are looking for, you’ll find what you need, just get up and seek it and you’ll be on it one day.

As for your issues with religion, keep in mind, they all do that. Some more so than others try to recruit, yes I find it a turn off, I never have recruited anyone to my faith, if it works for them, they will find their own way there. As someone who studied theology in college, I often ignore the structures of a faith and focus on the message, that’s the important stuff, the rituals and traditions are just decorations.

Now as for your addiction, try not getting a reading for 3 months or have a $20 budget and when you hit it, that’s it. Psychic addiction is harmful and I do put some of my clients on a diet so they don’t fall into that trap.

Your life is waiting for you, would love to hear from you when you have found it by your own hands.

over 13 years ago