Michelle Carpenter (moonchild84)

I had a dream that I was in labor and my husband took me to the hospital. I then gave birth to a little black kitten. Everyone in my dream saw this as normal, including myself. Since the dream I just can’t shake this feeling that it meant something. Can anyone give me insight? Or was this simply a whacky dream that means nothing?

over 11 years ago

Miss Toria (misstoria)

To me it signifies that you are coming into some new part of your life. There is something new being born into your life, a little scary and different but still wonderful. Contact me for more details.

over 11 years ago

❧ Advisor Pam (pam_richards)

Hello Michelle

What an interesting dream. What most of th dream means will be determined by what you feel or believe about its contents, such as the black cat etc. Yet in general your dream has overtones of psychic development, & feelings of anxiety connected to such matters.

I work with the subconscious mind via my Hypnotherapy practice & via meditation as well as discussion, message me if you wish to go through your dream Michelle.


over 11 years ago


Hi Michelle I am an expert in dream interpretation and I can give you an AWESOME reading, giving you complete insight on why you had this dream, and what it means (because it DOES symbolize something very important!) I hope to see you soon Michelle so I can help you further (I am available right now if your interested) Blessings ~ Kelly ♥

over 11 years ago