shannin spencer (trinka5)

2 bad had been evicted so still have one to go… harassment has been torture..please tell me if i will ever be able to stay here and live in peace..moving would be quite difficult

over 11 years ago

jessie periard (jessperiard)

shannin you will be able to live where you are in peace its gonna take time to get over all that has been happening feel free to contact me god bless

over 11 years ago

✨Empressbyme Guidance✨ (highlyfavored07)

Hello Shannin, I was once in your situation had two unbearable neighbors also, I prayed so hard and ask GOD to remove them from around me. It took sometime but now i’m living in peace both neighbors are long gone, now I have the sweetest and quiet neighbors ever. I Thank GOD for answering my prayers…..You will eventually have peace but it will take sometime. Take care and be blessed!:)

over 11 years ago

shannin spencer (trinka5)

thank you so much xoxox

over 11 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

HI Shannin,

I can help you with this. No sense for you to move. Lets talk and I will tell you what can be done to get rid of these cretins.

Blessings and online to help you now.


over 11 years ago