anthony reeder (robot500)

Iam deeply lost in a reality iam not even sure exists, iam so confused as to wat value is and feel my whole life has been a big sham i dont know what to believe anymore, god? science? aliens? does it even matter? is the human life nothing more than a prison to capture wisdom itself and contain it and utize it by some evil force, is god good? please give me the answers i seek i do not know the question i want to ask but i need answers i don’t know how much longer my mind can be subjected to this bombardment of thoughts and relisation that physcle elements are merely a illusion from the devil in order to trap our souls, or is this all wrong are we just physcle matter that will die n dissapear into unexistant void?

I need to know why iam here, i know its for a reason thats beyond the human materialst world im ment to make a diffrents ive always felt somthing but only now am i starting to realise what i think it might be, if iam wrong please tell me iam wrong, if iam right guide me towards my destiny i cannot walk this journey alone anymore i need help

over 13 years ago

Truth & Light (dyami)


I am available for your help. contact me.

over 13 years ago

anthony (anthony_masterpsychic)

please join me in my chat anthony and i will help you with this thanks

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

I think you are struggling with the same thing that has been pestering me all my life. As a child did you always feel different? I mean, more perceptive, more psychologically strong, have more understanding of where adults were coming from? Did you seem to be more patient and happy to listen to older people than your peers? Were people who were in trouble always seem drawn to you? Did you feel a huge amount of responsibility for people and often distraught because you couldn’t help them all? Did you spend your adult years until now struggling to hide and repress that inner sense? And does it make you scream and cry because you can’t hold everything and everyone but so desperately want to be held yourself because it’s so much to carry, this knowledge of knowing things beyond the human materialistic world, but not knowing what it is exactly? Maybe you should look into how souls work. Someone recently told me I have an old soul. And explains stuff about the soul choosing the body. I’m not quite with it yet. But I can sort of get a sense of peace from it which I’ve not really had before. She’s also encouraging me to believe in my ‘differences’ and that I’m not ‘wrong’ or ‘different’ because of them. I don’t know how I think this will help you… :{

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)


Firstly the psychic thing is not an illusion it is a sixth sense that everyone has but as we go from childhood to adulthood our minds tend to become corrupt and lose that innocence. Some people are lucky and hold onto it and with others they shut it off. It is not the devil talking to you at all I once had this woman try and convince me of that and thought ok whatever floats your boat. The psychic thing is like a radio if you tune the radio into a station you receive information just like the brain when you focus on energy you will receive information. As for what you want to believe in that is your choice and not something you should let others dictate just be open to different things and eventually you will know. As for your purpose in life that is a journey you have to take on your own just pay attention to the positive things people say about the things you do that holds the key to what your purpose is for example with me people keep telling me I am good at giving advice and I do enjoy helping others so I have decided to get a degree in psychology so I can help people.

Remember you are the writer of your own destiny and

You become what you think about most.

Best of luck

over 13 years ago

Bella.grant (bella.grant)

i will help, call me for a live chat and we will get right down to it Awaiting Your Call BELLA*

over 13 years ago

Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

Merry Meet Anthony,

I have 4 decades of experiences to enable me to Enlighten and help Guide You along Your path.

Come, hit the chat live button on my page so You Can start to Comprehend.

Waiting To Enlighten You, Priestess Kandi Ranson

over 13 years ago

Psychic Insight by Adrianne (spiritualadrianne)

Hello, contact me for a reading I can answer ALL of your questions no matter is too big or too small I’ve left all clients satisfied never have failed a client :)

over 13 years ago