leesa gurung (leesa4justin)

My little sister owned a black converse boots but she doesn’t wear it only sometimes. But it was few months back that i washed it and kept it in the closet but now can’t seem to find it at all. I ‘ve searched the closet and other drawers well. But not very sure where it has gone missing. Since i’ve washed i haven’t worn it and my sister probably wore it once or twice but she does keep it back again. Plz help I’m freaking out here mum’s gonna kill me.

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

your mum’s probably moved them herself. We’re like that I’m afraid! Or they’re under your bed. Or your sister’s lent them to another friend and daren’t tell you.

over 13 years ago

miko fox (miko)

i see something wooden like a shelf or closet

over 13 years ago