
I would like to share my experiences here. Many of us call readers wanting to know what will happen in the future. Majority of the calls are about relationships; when their ex will come back or will things get better?

I have had been in the same situation, of course. I broke up with my boyfriend and wanted to know if he would come back. I went to seek psyching readings. All told me he loved me very much and he would definitely come back and told me within the next 3-4 months. Felt even that was too long a wait at that time. Did he come back within the timing predicted? NO. Did he come back? YES. But it was a year and a half later not in 3-4 month!

I did not just sit and wait for it to happen either. Of course I was anxious for the time to come for us to get together finally. But I focused more on my life in the meantime and was also working on letting it go at the same time. Not because I gave up on him but because the anxiety drained me so badly and made me feel negative, depressed and miserable. I did not like me like that. I kept on focusing on my life. Out of sight, out of mind does really work =). I did not forget about him but I became to think of him much less. And when I thought the least it would happen, it happened. He and I happened to exchange a casual text one day and I am currently with him today.

Are we happily after now since he is back? No, not yet. I’m still dealing with his man cave syndrome: when he feels he’s getting too closer to me, he hides away. It’s been over two weeks this time. He’d done it for 3 weeks just the last time. The longest was a month ^^. I call my respected advisors for “reality check” every time when he does this. I ask what he is doing and why, if this was a pre-sign of a breakup, or if he was having the second thoughts etc. When I call them up, I’m not looking for sweet stories to hear. I get myself ready to hear negative readings and predictions as well so I have the information to make the right assessment on the situation, hence the right decisions. I don’t ask for timing any more. I ask what’s going on right now and what I should expect to happen in the near future and what the end result of this shall be. Getting this information from the readings help me greatly to “deal” with the situation, not to “suffer” from it.

What I am trying to tell you is that we should use the readings, predictions and even timing as guidelines but not to be obsessed with it as it will even more drag you down when it doesn’t happen when you are told it is going to happen. This is all I can share right now and I hope it helps you all.

And THAN YOU, ALL THE READERS here especially those who really care for your clients and guide us to the right directions.

over 11 years ago

kelly (shooshoodog)

Thank you, that’s very wise

over 11 years ago

Angelically Gifted Mikki Reno (mikki_the_gifted_one)


As a reader I must say thank you as many of us have different types of gifts. I think that most times , even for us we see things for your future and use the symbols in visions and or whatever tools we have learned to assist in asking that question “when?”.

Once you understand that at that moment of a reading energy is being read, I believe all things within the reading come with ease.

Know that you are correct, when you as a person are focused on that topic, or even fixated at times,that energy can change or be halted from that alone.

Also for any person like me who wants to know, the constant mixing of your energy or even constant readings where you have multiple people connecting to your energy can throw off your predictions as well.

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing and taking the time to breakdown what someone on here, somewhere needed to hear today :)

over 11 years ago


@ Mikki or any advisors who read this, I reading Mikki’s feedback (thank you, Mikki for your input!), a question came up. One of the things Mikki has mentioned ”... or even constant readings where you have multiple people connecting to your energy can throw off your predictions as well.” I would like to learn why and how multiple people (I suppose “people” here are readers) connecting to one’s energy can change the predictions. Appreciate if anyone can enlighten us on this subject.

over 11 years ago

TerraFirma (terrafirma)


I will give you an analogy. You are looking at a pond of water that has answers. A question is like throwing a stone in and the water ripples, you ask the next person and more ripples and so on. It simply muddies the waters.

Also when you go into a reading, you need to go into the reading with trust that the reader will see well for you. (What they truly see, NOT what you desire) If you go on to another and another and another then you are not trusting the Universe or the reader.

Another analogy: witnesses that are interviewed after having been at the same “event”. Each one has the common event but how they perceived it and how they express that perception is different.

Find 2-3 advisors that click with you and YOU trust and stick with them. Once you ask a question and they answer, let it out to the Universe to handle and trust in that process.

over 11 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

HI Ruby,

Everyones experiences are different,in life and in getting a reading. Expecting exact time frames in an unstable situation is pretty much impossible. And just because a reader feels you will get back together doesnt mean life is going to be sunshine and lollipops,either….there will still work to do to mend that past mistakes and issues,and RARELY is it going to be without some other problems. If the people involved make some serious effort,they can fix things,and set the things right…but its not going to magically happen. I try to tell my clients this …and sometime have to warn them to beware of what they wish for,as well. Sometimes someone coming back isnt always the best thing for all parties concerned. I like how you said that basically a readings predictions shouldnt be carved in stone. Many things can effect the results of a session. Thanks for seeing this all from reality,Ruby…



over 11 years ago