elizabeth (neutral2)

My ex broke up with me. Felt used by a girl I let live in my apartment. Have to let go of a choir I spent so much time organizing. Haven’t seen my parents in over half a year.

I feel like I can’t cope and all I do is whinge. I also just want to cry and always just get drunk. Please, when will things start looking up? Also, what can I do to keep a more positive outlook in life?


over 11 years ago

Angelically Gifted Mikki Reno (mikki_the_gifted_one)


I see the constant pain that your going through, but there are many people who love you and even though you feel alone, you are not. I can definitely help you with all of these issues, and even more.

I am only just a click away.

Take Care!

over 11 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

HI Elizabeth,

Drinking isnt going to make the problems go away or fix it either. I can help you on these things and give you some answers you could really use.

Online now to help you.



over 11 years ago

✨Empressbyme Guidance✨ (highlyfavored07)

Hi Elizabeth, you seems to be a very loving individual who cares about others. No matter the loss don’t lose sight of the blessings you still have, i’m hearing the word (Forgiveness)if you would like we can chat in private take care be blessed!:)

over 11 years ago

Mystical Omega (mystical_omega)

you are suffering from loss yes, but its mourning for a loved one who passed that started all this. we need to get you closure so that you may move on with your life. i am more than willing to talk with you. please e mail me so we can let the healing begin.

over 11 years ago

Mystical Omega (mystical_omega)

one more thing….. giving up and just leaving the world should not be your only option i can feel that you have thought that. just remember every cloud has a silver lining some just need a little polish and elbow grease to bring it out. many blessings

over 11 years ago

elizabeth (neutral2)

Just wanted to update u all on my situation. 1) My ex told me that he wanted to set me up with a friend today. How awkward! 2) The girl actually was legitimately oblivious to what she did, she ended up buying chocolate as thanx ^ 3) I’ve managed to work out the issues with the choir, it seems to be going smoothly for now. 4) Still haven’t seen my family, I wish they would come soon.

Angelically: Thankyou, I do go through alot of doubt and pain. I do feel that there is alot of love but very far and in between. Robin: True, I get the worst hangovers. Thankyou again Loving: I am a little too caring I feel. I know, I am very blessed even though it can be hard to get through day to day missing someone special who I feel should be together with me. Mystical: Thankyou, I haven’t thought of suicide for a while which is always good. Thankyou very much for your kind words ^

over 11 years ago