catherine rull dorola (fionamarie)

We only five employee’s now…1 sales manager, warehouseman, 1 driver, 1 secretary 2 guards…we have lost plenty of materials.when we are asking to them no one knows…what will i do to know who stolen our company property…we changing our guard 1 month ago…how will i know?

over 11 years ago

Miss Toria (misstoria)

It seems that the person that is responsible for the theft is the last person anyone is going to expect. Contact me for more details.

over 11 years ago

marva.lee (sunn10020)

I can give you accurate insight on this matter , I will give you the people ,on who stole . I will look into the spirit of these people . Please contact me .

over 11 years ago

Psychic Jessica (mizjessica)

Hello Catherine. I got you need to be more gentle on yourself dont beat on yourself over what happen. It happen for a reason. I am getting you should feel some relive soon! You are going to get someone telling you what really happen. If you have any questions coming from this. Feel free to contact me!

over 11 years ago

Ambriel (ambriel_angel)

cantact me for free

over 11 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

HI Catherine, Just from reading this I have narrowed it down to 3 people. I can tell you who once we do a reading so I can pick up better for you. Blessings! Bluedragon

over 11 years ago