kelly (shooshoodog)

It’s just been so hard to find true happiness since my depression. I’ve overcome the depression but I just can’t be happy because of my relationship issues and maybe something else. I feel like there’s something wrong with me. I can’t keep waiting for other people to make me happy… Please help me.

over 11 years ago

jessie periard (jessperiard)

hi felicity i can help you there is nothing wrong with you feel free to live chat with me i am online now god bless

over 11 years ago

Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Think you have to help yourself and try to do something in your life you haven’t done before. I can help you, and have been there myself. Fortunately you need to learn certain things in your life like setting boundaries, learning not to allow others to be harmful to you, and how to be harmless to others. Learning to change the way you think about yourself and the world around you. If you seriously want to change your life I can try to help you.

over 11 years ago

jessie periard (jessperiard)

felicity i agree with hattie on what she said you have to do all that for yourself

over 11 years ago

Psychic Readings By Michelle (psychicadvisor01)

hi felicity i see that there has been negative energy around you since a few years now, and this a causing you to feel this way god bless you there in nothing wrong with you but if feels like the negative energy is making you your very unhappy in you life if you would like some help i specialize in spiritual cleansing or if you would just like to know more let me know god bless you

over 11 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

HI Felicity, Taking responsibility for your own happiness is a good first step. And happiness will come to you,it just may take a while to do it. Be open and ready for it,and when you find it embrace it. Blessings! Bluedragon

over 11 years ago