lovely (lovelygirll)

i juss want to know i m interested to learn tarot cards but one tarot reader told me it will have bad effect on you bcoz u dont know how to read is it true? but i m interested to learn tarot.will it effect bad on me? and where can i get tarot cards i mean which shop?

over 11 years ago

Tarot readings with Aisha (friendly_tarot)

You can get tarot cards at most major book stores. I recommend starting with a waite or waite clone.

I usually don’t read for myself, I find when I’m close to a situation my expectations will effect the cards I draw. When reading for myself I consistently draw the tower, death and or the devil lol.

Reading is a blast and I hope you have fun on your journey, feel free to contact me if you have any other tarot questions.


over 11 years ago

Arikal (arikal)

Go and choose a deck that you feel most drawn to, the one that you feel is calling to you the most! It is a wonderful experience learning all about your cards. Once you buy your card, cleanse it of other energies, study them, meditate with them. Start a journal and write everything down, your thoughts and feelings, your readings. The first step is to get your deck, it’s the beginning of a life changing journey! There are so many of forums and us readers here to help you on your path! Good luck!

over 11 years ago