Jeannie (imaginaryone)

My ex husband of 16 yrs died last year, even though we had been divorced for 11 years he always remained very special to me and i stay in contact with his sister. He was also very close to his sister especially in the last 10 years i was not around. Yesterday His sisters daughter received a phone call from my ex’s cell phone. When she went to return the said this number was no longer in service. When John, my ex died nobody could find his cell phone. That very same night John came to me in my dreams, all night long. I do remember memorial day being his favorite holiday and we always celebrated it together. Do you think it is possible John was trying to communicate with us? and should we try to connect with him?

over 11 years ago

James Thomas (jamesthomas)

HI Jeannie yes i believe John was trying to communicate with the family please give me a call to find out more and i would love to try to connect with him to find out more

over 11 years ago



I believe he was trying to connect with you—and he picked a cool way, too, lol!

Has anyone in the family been going through a rough time lately? If so, he may want to pass along a specific message of practical and/or supportive nature (and it might be a great idea to seek out a trusted medium). If everyone’s doing more or less okay, he probably just wants everyone to know that he loves you all very much. That is generally the essence of most messages coming from the other side, if they don’t pertain to specific situations (they also generally want to reassure their loved ones that everything is a-okay; they’re just hanging out over there, and in the first two years or so after death, they tend to spend more time around Earth and loved ones than attending to spiritual matters. But this really really depends on the individual soul and how evolved he is/was).

Trust your heart on this one! If you sense there’s a message he needs to pass along, and you can’t receive it by meditating and seeking counsel from your guides, why not get a reading? It could be a super cool experience. But I would say, most likely, he just wanted to say hello and let you know that he’s around!

P.S. You can talk to him anytime with your thoughts—he will always get the message. If not directly, someone will get it to him!

over 11 years ago

MRS.LEA.GARCIA☼ (ms.lea.garcia)


over 11 years ago

Jeannie (imaginaryone)

Aww thanks guys for your feedback….it is much appreciated!!!

over 11 years ago

Jennys Sight (jennyssight)

Hi jeannie. spirits always look for ways.. to remind you that there still here.. lights. and cell phones. work very well… sounds like HE need to tell you somthing.. just listen to your dreams and write them down ? need anymore information contact me

over 11 years ago