Josilyn (midnight24)

Umm.. First off I wanna say Hi. My name is Josilyn, and I’m very confused by my current situation… I’m very much in love with my ‘ex’ Job (goes by Joe) and am wondering why and WHAT caused us to split up. We have a very strong connection ans that has also been verified by two different psychics (So thank you very much for putting my mind at ease on that part) I also had two dreams about him last night and was wondering if any dream interpreters can help me figure out what my dreams are telling me… My gut tells me that he and I are meant to be together, but as of right now, something has happened to derail that. It’s like Joe’s put up a wall and pushed me out… And it hurts… ALOT. I would also like to know when I will get a job and if and when Joe and I will ever get back together… ( my gut and a dream I had said we will, but I’d like a second or third… etc… opinion)And when I’ll go to college (and what I need to do to make it happen). Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to your answers.

over 12 years ago

Adoniali (adoniali)

Hi Josilyn, Dreams come to us as guides, but you seem to have a lot of questions that require answers. I would be happy to assist you. Click on my profile and you will see that I am qualified. I let the energy that surrounds you help me to guide you and help you along your path in life. I will tell you that I do feel a connection energizing for you and Joe, but there are a few obstacles that must be pushed out of the way first. Contact me, or we can set an appointment.

over 12 years ago

Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

Merry Meet Josilyn,

Your world has been on one big roller coaster and seems to have spiraled out of control.

I do see clearly. I am world renowned to be accurate. I offer you Honest Enlightenment and clarity for all that you are concerned about.

<= Click my name & Connect with me in Live Chat for Complete Guidance in the Right Direction

over 12 years ago

Charlotte (clmoonhawk)

Good morning Josilyn! For one so young you have quite a bit on your plate. Please don’t take offense at this next statement, but it appears Joe is trying to force you to make some decisions. He feels you depend on him too much. I would happy to offer an in depth reading on all of your questions. If I am not online leave me a message and we will set up a time that is good for you.

Blessings to you and yours!

over 12 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

HI Josilyn, Joe is working through some issue of his own right now, and thats going to help your situation as well.Come to me for a reading and lets see what else will be shown! Blessings! Bluedragon

over 12 years ago

Adoniali (adoniali)

Hi Josilyn,

Perhaps it might take some time for you to receive answers with a reading. Are you prepared to do what is necessary to get your needed answers from one of us? I have seen your charts clearly and do wish I could tell you why this has taken place. Contact me so we can chat further then I will give you a SERIOUS reading.. Take care!!

over 12 years ago

HONESTY IN YOUR DESTINY Yuk... (advisor_yuko)

First Off I do sence alot of confusion on his part. I definatley see the connection but a complcation hes going through thats pushing you away. Call me live so I can explain more for you. Dont fear I have all the answers you seek.

over 12 years ago

Jennifer Poe (psychicjennifer14)

Hello my name is Jennifer and I have offered my psychic mediumship readings since I was young. My psychic abilities were passed down to me by my mother. I started seeing things and began reading for people at a young age. My mother began keen many years ago so that is how I found out about it. My mother is an excellent psychic so I have learned from the best. Contact me I am sure you will find what you are looking for. If I am busy please drop me an e-mail to set up an appointment with me. Thanks.

over 12 years ago

Psychic_J (psychic_j)

Hi Josilyn,

You are confused because you have different issues and opportunities tied up into each other. I can help you untangle things, connect you with your spirit guide and learn what your spirit guide wants you to know. Contact me!


over 12 years ago

psychic life advisor & chak... (lovespellcaster)

hi josilyn, yes you and joe did have something thats ment that people spend there hole life looking for ,but its showing the reson why he “suddenly” changed on you was there was alot of jealousy surrounding yous two. it is showing another interference from a female. please contact me live so we can speak private

over 12 years ago

Izrealla Saers (izrealla)

Hi there! I do specialize in love and relationship matters as well as spiritual change and repair WHERE NEEDED, meaning i don’t do spells or force someone to contact you. You definitely do have a connection to him, no doubt there, although having so much confusion is not good, it can weaken the connection over time and even delay or stop you from being together… Here is what i can help with, not just looking at the out come, but also checking if anything went wrong, off path, or is it happening without good reason… I will look for a solution spiritually since that is what i focus on when things are not in place, but only if there is NEED for it should i offer my services… So first we need to connect in a reading, seeing all what you have gone through and how he feels and thinks about everything then look at how it can change or be changed, basically how to get you back on track since he can make it complicated and confuse you with mixed emotions. If your ready to hear good or bad as well as solutions, please call me in live chat and we will check all areas. Blessings.

over 12 years ago