ME (destinyseeker)

I’m fed up of the way things are, or should I say, the way things aren’t. These days do you have to be ruthless in order to get what you want? I mean, everyone around me, people I know can lie – Cheat – Abuse the system, and they seem to be rewarded for it. What the hell is wrong with me? I seriously am beginning to think that I need to grow a pair so to speak and be ruthless in order not to be walked over, lied about, cheated on, used..

I just feel that being nice isn’t helping anymore. The more you tell people ‘Some Psychics’ your problems, the more they seem to prey on that vulnerability. So do other people. Being honest, decent, caring just isn’t working. There seems to be no happiness in all of that! Does anyone feel like this? And,.. Can anyone tell me if being a bit more ruthless in life is the answer? Thankyou.

over 13 years ago

♥Psychic Tiffany Marie♥ (tiffanymarie)

Well i understand your point and if you would like to talk about it am here for you and am not going to prey on your vulnerability just a chat am online so if you would like chat you know where to find me

over 13 years ago

Jaden Parker (jaden)

  • hi hun, i understand what you are going through right now and i do not blame you, there are alot of bad people in the world, i would be more then happy to help ya out * :)

over 13 years ago

Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

Merry Meet Me,

I do know exactly know you feel. Contact me for some clarity and a positive approach to the solution to your problem.

Waiting To Enlighten You,

Priestess Kandi Ranson

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

yep. It’s taken me 30 years or so to find a balance of being able to be nice without being trampled on. It’s just learning that you can’t take everyone on board, you’re not indispensable, not everyone wants to be your friend or has to like you, and the more you draw lines and be clear about your limits the more people will respect you. It’s learning to keep my nose out of other people’s business and not get emotionally involved with them because I can’t bear to see people hurting. It’s been a long hard lesson, but I think I’ve found a good balance now. Stand back a little, be more cautious and you are allowed to discriminate about who you want to get involved with. It doesn’t mean being nasty to people, just realising how much you have on your plate to deal with. This is what I’ve found anyway.

over 13 years ago