
I am wondering about accuracy in predictions. I assume that each of you have different strengths in reading…so if you look at a person, or relationship…do you see the intent of the person …or the outcome?

An example…I asked about a weekend that I would be spending with someone….the advisor predicted we would do a certain activity….this was an activity that he had planned out as one of the things we would do and we prepared for it but ultimately it was cancelled due to the weather. Would you consider this accurate?


over 12 years ago

Healer Julia Angel (healerjuliaangel)


why are you here trying to play test the psychic? We do not like that game. Perhaps you can find another activity that is more worthwhile than perseverating on what psychics do.

Healer Julia Angel

over 12 years ago

Jennifer Poe (psychicjennifer14)

Hello my name is Jennifer and I have offered my psychic mediumship readings since I was young. My psychic abilities were passed down to me by my mother. I started seeing things and began reading for people at a young age. My mother began keen many years ago so that is how I found out about it. My mother is an excellent psychic so I have learned from the best. Contact me I am sure you will find what you are looking for. If I am busy please drop me an e-mail to set up an appointment with me. Thanks.

over 12 years ago


I am not in any way playing test the psychic…I am asking a question that is all….my questionis if you see the intent of a person…or the outcome…

I have spent a lot of money on this site…and not in order to test…i don’t have the money to play games like that….if I offended you I am sorry….I am buying a service and do have I right to understand the specifics.

over 12 years ago

Healer Julia Angel (healerjuliaangel)

What you are asking is too specific for this message board. It is private and confidential. Why don’t you follow up with the psychic that gave you this information? Just send that adviser a confidential message here on the site. I am sure you will receive the answer you are looking for.

over 12 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

Hi,Meadowsong, No reading should ever be considered carved in stone,no matter who does it,as there are always variables that can happen…in your case, crummy weather. A psychic may not be able to pick that up in advance. The weather is rather beyond a readers control. And it can change in an instant. So perhaps bolaming the reader for this is the wrong way to go. If you would like to see what paths I see for your future,please let me know. Bluedragon

over 12 years ago

Lady Lynne (katherinelynne)

During your unique reading you are given information. Clients have what I like to call Free Will defined as, information that has been given to you, what you decide to do with this information is up to you. Making you responsible yourself only you can decide your future and what will come to pass.

over 12 years ago

Psychic Shanna (psychicshanna)


over 12 years ago

September (butterflies)

I think you asked a valid question for which there is an opportunity for us all to learn from.

In my personal experience, readings are not about predictions but about guidance so what you were asking about a particular activity the reader answered based on reading the energy of the situation; i.e., you were planning and intending to make that trip and do that one activity. Had there been specific guidance about the weather making it unsafe or something that was inadvisable, you would likely get that guidance whether you asked for it or not.

Reading the situation AT THE TIME of your reading, your advisor was able to see that he had intended to do that activity. Had the activity been a part of the bigger picture in terms of your guidance, your path, and there was something you needed to know about it, that would have been given.

Also, the way in which we frame a question can come into play. For instance, if you had asked “Does he want/plan for us to have a picnic while on this trip?” the answer would be “yes.” However, if we were to ask “is there anything about this that I need to know or will something prevent us from doing this?” then your advisor would try to dig deeper, if possible. This doesn’t mean the spirit guides try to trick us or withhold things because they are most definitely doing everything to help GUIDE us. But it IS like any other conversation you would have in many ways; we don’t all offer up every thought or aspect of an answer if a person we’re chatting with asks one thing.

Keep in mind that readings are about the overall outlook of your path, we have a limited amount of time to get everything to you, the guides know this, and want to give you what you need so finite details like the weather won’t usually come up unless it’s something you really need to know.

Most of us look to psychic readings for “predictions” when stuck on one situation. What we really need to do to get the most of our readings is look at the whole landscape of our path and seek guidance on the overall picture for the long term rather than “predictions” for the short term.

Thanks for asking a great question and giving us the opportunity to help other seekers understand what readings CAN be about:)

Blessings and good luck!

over 12 years ago

Art (smartadvice)

hi, this is art from brussels. please come online and chat with me, and i will help you find peace and a bright solution :) love and sunshine, art

over 12 years ago