am a mum of four am an angel channller for others, but am worried for myself. my job finished on saturday have four children and rent to pay am trying to make ends meet self employed wise but phone hardly rings. will i find another job soon and will G and I ever marry, i KNOW he is my soulmate on every level but we face opposition frrom his mother and my ex who doesnt want me to move with our youngest children just 20 miles up the road…..G cant keep travelling as much as he does and we would like a fresh start from the small town where i have been looked down on by so many. It means changing our youngests schools and i need dads permission to do this even though he will still see them the same nights (we have shared residency) its not till next year but still plays on my mind what we have to get through. His mother hates me with a passion though ive done nothing except refuse to be sworn at screamed at by them and I send them love and light as i do to all that have hurt me…...what do you see happening PLEASE this will help me in my work to support others…..

over 12 years ago

PsychicEssence (psychicessence)

Hello Sheelagh, The first thing that I can tell you thought you have much stress and many things on your mind, you do need to take a moment and breathe. As for all of those who are against the two of you, this I will tell you, DON”T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY. The opinions of others can’t hurt you unless you take them personally. You are causing much needless suffering by personalizing their opinions and words. This isn’t about you but merely a projection of them. It is difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I promise you it’s shining brightly. Take one thing at a time and do so in order of priorities. When you do this, each thing will start to resolve and you will get to the point where you will start to see the light.

If you would like more insights and a better grasp one what and how to do this, then come see me in live chat.

Love, light and blessings

over 12 years ago

lilly (mystic.moon)

If u like I can help to MysticSofia she is the one you need to see love& light lily

over 12 years ago