Katherine (quirkette)

I don’t normally have crows so frequently in my garden however I have had 2 crows in my garden on a very regular basis. They do not appear to be afraid of me as they come quite close.

Also they are feeding from my garden. Could they be an omen of some kind?

over 12 years ago

Constance Fairleight (cfairleight)

http://morningstar.netfirms.com/crow.html This will give you some very good information. I have Raven as a totem animal and Spirit Guide and I cherish the energy that it brings. Namaste :)

over 12 years ago

Katherine (quirkette)

That is brilliant – thank you. I did read nothing but bad luck but I felt this information was wrong. I felt more drawn to them and enthralled in their actions within the garden. Kind of a peaceful loving feeling.

over 12 years ago

Constance Fairleight (cfairleight)

Yes they are a blessing. If you need any assistance with accessing their energy I can guide you thru a meditation to solidly connect with them. :)

over 12 years ago

TRUE LOVE ANGEL (trueangel)

hey thier is something you need to know about these crows please be careful let me tell you more about them

over 12 years ago

Constance Fairleight (cfairleight)

Remember Katherine, FEAR is the ego’s greatest allie and our hearts greatest challenge. Much Love & Light, Constance

over 12 years ago

Laura Lee (kaleth)

In b&q they sell an electronic thingy that scares any kind of bird, you just need to place it in the garden and it works with sound waves. 12.99 i think. They are not scared because they think you are leaving food in the garden for them on regular basis.

over 12 years ago