maggie sands (golddust)

the man i love lives almost 2,000 miles away. i live with my husband and my son. my son is the light of my life. my husband and i have been doing a lot to learn to heal. i still, every day, for the last year, have stronger and stronger visions of being united with this Other Man, even if it takes years to do so. We both are trying to live a day at a time and take responsibility for our lives in the Now. We both have spouses who are/were abusive (mentally, emotionally and verbally). Will I be with this man I love in the future, and if so, when? We are both people who put our kids first. Even if that means we don’t get to be together for years. We of course want it to be sooner. Any vibes on an answer here?

over 12 years ago

Heart Divine (heartdivine)

Why don’t you trust what your inner-self tells you then? If you are the type who puts your kid first. What are your views on your kid knowing you wanted to be with another man?:)

Anyway, you can always contact me if you have questions or wanting to know where this relationship is going. I’d be glad to help you.

over 12 years ago

Starsalign (starsalign)

very often,children can feel the inadequacies in a relationship.They often grow up to say “I didn’t feel my parents loved each-other” etc..we think they don’t notice our lack of fulfillment in a marriage or job,but they can.Your doing your child no favors by staying in a marriage that makes you unhappy,and the longer you delay the truth,the bigger the hurt will be for the child when they learn all those unhappy married years were just to spare their feelings.

if you like,we can look further into the situation with a indepth tarot reading,and using astrology.send me a message if your interested,and if you have your time of birth that would help a lot.

over 12 years ago

Psychic Insight by Adrianne (spiritualadrianne)

I know this must be a very confusing and difficult situation for you, but a LOT of light will be shining in soon, trust me it’s not a dead end or a never ending tunnel, a lot of good is coming up, make sure never to look back because you cannot go forward, I have a lot I see for you and if you’d like to find out you can send me a chat. Blessings, Adrianne.

over 12 years ago