Adriana Thomas (empadri11)

I’ve been doing a lot of “soul searching” lately, and it was all brought on after i dropped out of school and met a boy, out of chance meeting, for the second time in my life. After meeting him I started doing things out of love and not secret motives, I started realizing that i may be an empath psychic, and I started becoming more intrigued in the occult, metaphysical, and conspiracy theories. I truly believe he may be my twin flame but I think there is 2 or 3 girls who are standing in my way…one being his sister who introduced us two, and another being his “Ex”, I just want to know if there is any hope for the two of us or if I should be satisfied knowing that I had a chance to meet him.

over 12 years ago

Starsalign (starsalign)

It seems like he has helped you on your path to repaying your karmic debt.Sometimes thats the only purpose your soul mate or twin will serve in this lifetime,and being together may take some more lifetimes,but if you like i have a new “karmic wheel” tarot spread,that helps us identify the details,message me if you are interested

over 12 years ago

Aurora Ravenfire (auroraravenfire)

Adriana, I would love to help you with this as well as help you along your path to developing your skills. Just know that people come into our lives for a reason and there is a reason behind meeting this young man. I can do a reading for you and help you find your answers.

over 12 years ago

miko fox (miko)

hi adriana :) i say go for it!. i do pick up on a very strong connection between you and him and you really have nothing to lose by going forward with him. just take things slowly and dont make any assumptions as of now. dont let other people’s opinions of the relationship affect you,by trying to come between you and him they are only being immature and need to just back off and mind their own business. if anything they should be happy for you and him.

the last relationship he was in left him feeling weary i pick up. i just feel him being very drained and i dont think he wants his ex back. there are many spiritual forces surrounding you no doubt and you should definitely seek to become more intuned with your abillities. it will take time and its not always easy but as you practice and make more and more discoveries it can become easier. i happen to be a conspiracy buff too and started a thread on the illuminati here awhile back(though i dont know if it still up)

over 12 years ago