**** (princessmania)

my d.o.b 10/05/1977 my husbands d.o.b 24/04/1979 we are having big problems in our marriage do u see us staying together or splitting up,,please answer as this is upsetting me in a big way,,many thanks xx

over 12 years ago

Gio (psychicgiovanni)

Hello maria I would be more then glad to help you. As I do feel very connected to you. All I can tell you is no worry’s I don’t want you to stress about this any longer! Allow me to give you guidance peace and harmony. Contact me now :)

over 12 years ago

Debbie (angel90)

Anything is possible with a little effort and work on both parts. I would suggest marriage councelling as a starting point to get communication back on track as that is important in the success of any relationship. Whatever the issues are working through them together one at a time will also help get things back on track. Councelling as suggested will involve talking and exercises where you tell each other what’s upsetting you. Be prepared. All relationships go through a bad patch it’s now a matter of getting things back on track.

over 12 years ago