hazel (hazel99)

Im really want to feel better about my self…i want to really lose some weight but i get discouraged sometime and have so stomach issues..maybe its just stress..U think i will lose 50 pounds??any insight.11/8. THANKS!

over 12 years ago

miko fox (miko)

go to a health food store or pharmacy and look for supplements that can boost your metabolism. it also helps if you eat plenty of fruits and veggies,try to avoid processed foods and fast food as often as possible,watch what you drink too,just because something is labeled as diet doesnt make it better either(plenty of junk in “diet” drinks that can do more harm than good for you). the safest thing you can drink is water :)

also be sure to get atleast 8 or 9 hours of sleep throughout the night,excercize doesnt have to mean going to a gym. there are plenty of things you can do at home to keep in shape such as housework(did you know vacuuming an entire room can burn atleast 200 calories?),walk up and down stairs,dance to your favorite music,even a stroll down the street can make abit of difference. if you have a job that requires you to sit down alot take a walk during your breaks and cut down on snacking. my friend introduced me to vinegar and that has helped me to lose some weight. get pure white vinegar and mix just a tspoon or two of it in either grape juice or water. not only will the vinegar aid in your weight loss but can eat up alot of toxins in your body and the grape juice thing can help with some digestive issues. for the stomach issues go to a doctor and just stay positive. when you really put your mind and heart in it you can do it :) go out and have fun whenever you can too and keep yourself busy.

over 12 years ago

Debbie (angel90)

anything is possible it has to be a lifestyle change diets dont work. I would recommend a programme like weight watchers or slimdown express both use normal food. Take it slowly losing the weight however long it took to gain take twice that to lose it. Avoid sugar as it stores as fat and incorporate daily exercise such as walking, swimming and pilates as well as weight bearing exercises such as circuit training

over 12 years ago