Karen Thibodeau (karentangel)

As much as my hubby and I have our differences… I really do miss him… I miss him so much :(...

Seems like past issues with me and my mom haven’t changed, and she’s very happy to keep her little girl… it’s like I have fallen into her trap…

I thought it would have been good for me and my body to be away, but now i’m not thinking so..

But I really do miss my Paul, I just hope this has made him stop and think.

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)

You need to talk to your husband that is the only way things will change when the lines of communication are down then things cannot change I would recommend you go back home and talk to your husband be calm and be honest and tell him how you feel about things and let him do the same.

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

Sweetheart, angel is right. I know I should do this with my own husband, but it’s so difficult when you feel cut off from the person you married. All those things you set out to do when you get married. All the expectation that marriage will secure the relationship. Well, quite often it brings out changes in people, often for the worst. I also had a tough time breaking away from the little girl thing with my mum. Recognise that you are an adult in your own right. Illness makes us very vulnerable, especially when mums can feel in control of us and want to feel useful again. If you are secure in yourself, you can allow your mum to feel like she has this ‘use’ by getting in there first. I mean by asking her opinions on/help with, things that you already feel in control of. Like asking a child to help with things you know it won’t mess up! It was good for you to be away. Even if you go back into a situation feeling the time away has been useless, when you return to the negative situation it sort of confirms why you wanted to leave in the first place and that your instincts and feelings are right. Then it’s a case of looking towards help to rectify those problems, or deciding if it isn’t working is it worth the effort you put in to keep what positive things there are? You need to ask him if he’s looking for a ‘get out’. But not in a challenging way. For instance, if he’s grumping about the house and moaning about money or whatever, you can just say jokingly – ‘well, you can always manage on your own, you know. You don’t have to stick around for the ‘worse, or in sickness’ bit of the marriage service!” And see what his reaction is… Hugs x

over 13 years ago

miko fox (miko)

angel and jenny have both made very vaild points. you should atleast try to talk to your husband. maybe there is something hes been keeping bottled up inside. how are you feeling by the way?.

over 13 years ago

Karen Thibodeau (karentangel)

going back home on Tuesday, seems to be a little more understanding… this didn’t happen over night so it wont get fixed over night.

He admites to relining on me to much, but also stated that I don’t seem to care about monies, which I noted that do care and that I have tried to say that I do, but you always, turn it into an arrgument. Told that I don’t show that I care… I have always been a free spirt and trust that all things will work out… yes i am worried about losing everything.. and I am not good at showing feelings… I have always held everything in.

over 13 years ago

Lori Marie (lorimarie)

Hi sweetie…it is very understandable why these particular issues have arise. Venus up until recently has been in retrograde and all issues of love come to the surface. If you have unhealed issues with someone you love or loved they will rise to the surface in need to be healed again. As painful as it may seem this is a very important time…you need to release. During this time of year we often long for love and companionship but it may be the exact opposite of what we NEED. The best case scenario is the hardest thing you may have to do and that is let go. All in all you two split up for a reason and more than likely it was an opportunity for you both to have the life you truly desire. Move past your ex as painful as it may be, feel the pain, then allow the fresh and new in. For I can feel there is something great on the horizon for you!

over 13 years ago

Karen Thibodeau (karentangel)

oh honey his not my ex… and no we can work this out, it’s communication that has to change, and will but it will just take time.

over 13 years ago

Valentina Holly (psychicvalentinavisions)

Hi, i would love too help you by answering all your questions and guiding you toward the right path. Contact me with your name and DOB, and please hire. Godbless

over 13 years ago