miko fox (miko)

here is a reading that i had somebody else do for you.

the past:the devil-

She has, perhaps, gotten herself into problems because she allowed herself to become bonded to the wrong types of people and activities that, in turn, dragged her down. Maybe she so wanted to belong or to have material things that she allowed herself to believe false promises or to do things she shouldn’t have done that went against her own well-being. The Devil is the card of addictions and obsessions, so I would wonder if it’s that type of personality trait that led her to her current position.

the present:7 of pents-

Right now, she’s frustrated that things are not happening fast enough for her or happening the way she would like them to. (With the Devil having led her to this point, she might be desirous of a kind of instant gratification that she is not getting right now.)

what is helping:the world-

Something ended in her life that was, actually, for the best (even if it is difficult for her to see that right now.) Maybe it was her relationship that was toxic, though she couldn’t see that…or maybe it was losing her job, which she may eventually see was wrong for her.

obstacles to overcome:the star-

She needs to stop putting faith in the wrong things. That would make me think that whatever “ending” in her life that occurred, which she is having the most difficulty getting over, is the one she is longing to bring back, hoping that it will solve all her problems for her. But this card says it won’t.

attitudes of others:death-

I think this may be saying that others feel she needs to change in a major way. It may also be a comment on the fact that life goes on, and one needs to change and flow with it, because trying to hold onto things that have died is counter-productive and can color one’s whole life and attitude…and maybe that is part of what is happening with this woman.

what she should do:king of pents-

I think this may be saying that she needs to find a way to stabilize and ground herself. She needs to take control of her physical plane-her finances, her health, her education, etc-without blaming or faulting others for things that she can and should handle herself. I think this is an internal need for her to address, and not advice to take on outsiders. She needs to do what needs to be done to take care of herself. Then, once she is strong and “steady on her own feet”, she can tackle the problems others may have presented her with.

the outcome:temperance

She needs to exercise patience, moderation and self-restraint and make that a way of life for herself. As the outcome, I would read this card as saying that this is the overall lesson being presented to her by the Universe right now…so until she can center and modulate herself, she may continue to feel the world is against her. And this is not to say that she doesn’t have and face real problems…just that in order to deal with them most effectively, she may have to look inside rather than outside for the strength to do so.

do you find this helpful at all?. i am not trying to convince you to get another reading by me however,i just want to help you.

over 13 years ago

Karen Thibodeau (karentangel)

{{hugs}} your such a caring person

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)

Hi Miko

Thank you for the reading I do appreciate it

Yes I am frustrated that is correct as 5 months has nearly passed since I was forced to leave that job and it is a blessing as that industry is coming to an end in the future. I only just found out that one of my referees has been sabotaging my job applications and I did think he was a decent guy not capable of that and he had offered to give me a reference but I have removed him so I guess I trusted him a little too much and he let me down. The first card I think I may have put the cart before the horse when I left I expected that an employment agency that I had gone to for temp work would come through for me as they did when I lived in another city but got a bit of a shock when they did not and found out why so I signed up with other agencies but they haven’t been able to give me any work. The latest is that last emplooyer a friend had suspiscions about the guy I did not want to believe because he was a good boss now my view of him has changed and when I get back on my feet have a job then action will be taken just looked up defamation law suit in my country will seek legal advice to see what I can do and the other stuff that happened by the team leader I have a case but until I have a job that is on hold I did things a little backwards which explains the devil card I am a little devil inside but look like an angel on the outside I guess I don’t conform to society, have my own set of rules that work that are with the universe and written law but generally I do what makes me happy. Unfortunately people are jealous of me that team leader (not the ex referee) was jealous of me and saw me as a threat to his job so had to make it is last mission to push me out by stealing from me financially and knew that was the button to push he did this to a lot of people yet no one stopped him he hid behind his contract because it seems he has negotiated that well. The funny thing is I have come across his type before and guess what that person will never be employed by that company so this person will be no different they will get what is coming to them when the industry no longer exists because the government are wiping it out then he will have no job but I will so the tide will have turned. For the moment a friend has offered to take my cv into her work, have had 2 friends offer to look at my cv and adjust it to get the attention of these potential employers I won’t give up just fes up with the situation I am in and now it is affecting others not just me so how is this a good thing. What has to change is not me it is this situation I am a good person and do not deserve any of this misfortune that was put on me at the hands of others.

over 13 years ago

ME (destinyseeker)

MIKO.. That was a nice thing to do, and also thankyou for what you did for me in the other ‘thread’..

ANGEL.. You seem a very nice person, and you have given me advice. I actually understand to a point, because i have suffered similar, and have felt that I didn’t deserve what was/is still happening. x

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)

Thank you for the kind words I know that I will find a job now that I have found out the truth all I can say is that company have done themselves no favours by doing what they have done to me but now that I have removed that person from my referee list they can’t keep doing that stuff to me but in the future down the track both people will have to face the consequences of their actions toward me because the government will be wiping out the industry and the company will have lost that side of the business which means loss of income and bye bye jobs for those 2 while me I will have a job a good paying job enjoying life while those 2 struggle to get by soo I guess I will be the last one having the laugh. I try and be good to others don’t believe in being nasty, try and help those around me including those I don’t know because it makes me feel good and helps me put aside my problems for a while so that I am not a complete emotional mess.

over 13 years ago