Dear psychics. I have recently been to a number of holiday park auditions and was wondering if any of them would be successful? It is my ambition to work for Butlins as a Redcoat in memory of my dad, will I become one this season, I have the audition/interview on tuesday. Many Thanks

over 13 years ago

miko fox (miko)

wheel of furtune,5 of swords,2 of cups,ace of cups and 7 of cups. i get from the wheel that there will be some kind of change coming through. i believe the 5 of swords can either represent obstacles in your way,competition or maybe even somebody standing in your way but with the 2 of cups it looks hopeful. you may succeed with the help of someone else. the ace suggests that this may bring forth a new beginning for you. expect to learn alot and establish new relationships and new friendships. and finaly the ace of cups represents alot of options available to you and maybe some responsibility(this is also a card of challenges). i dont really see anything wrong here(: hope it goes well.

over 13 years ago