
I apologize if this has been asked before, but I’m just curious. This question is open to all advisors, and I hope we can get answers from people who specialize in different methods of reading (clairvoyancy, tarot, etc.)!

Does a client’s state of mind affect what you see in a reading? Have you found that you pick up on different possible outcomes if a person is feeling desperate or anxious vs. not so stressed out? Do the possible outcomes you can see remain the same, but perhaps one or another appears more likely depending on the client’s mood?

Like I said, I’ve always been curious about this! I dabble in tarot, and I’ve noticed that I can get totally different cards day-to-day and it does seem to depend on how I’m feeling when I’m working with them. It sure can be confusing-like, did yesterday’s outcome really change so much in a mere 24 hours?-and sometimes that confusion can make me anxious when I wasn’t feeling that way before—D’oh!

So, what do you guys think? :)

over 13 years ago

Pradeep Kumar Mishra (kishan508)

hello, its depend on method of prediction. If you are using method like tarot, prashan tantra or psychic then sure sate of mind of client make effect on reading. If the reading is done through birth chart then it is not going to make any effects. According to my experience if clients is not in good mood then either he will accept everything what you are reading or refuse and make argument at that time. But after some days mostly of them come back when they are cool and accept what they made argument was wrong. God bless you.

over 13 years ago

Miss Ann (missann)

This can be a weird area. It does depend on the type of reading and the type of layout you use.

I will only use the popular Celtic Cross if someone asks for it. I use a layout that gives me emotional and spiritual cards on the person. So, if I have certain cards in those spots, I will get an idea of the client’s mindset about the reading. Certain cards are warnings for me to handle someone with kid gloves, especially if it’s bad news.

Such as, if it’s a love reading and the person asking about their lover has say the two of cups emotionally and the ten of cups spiritually, but every card is saying this relationship is a disaster waiting to happen, it tells me a few things and also tells me that the client is going to flip out when say the future cards I get show the lover leaving and the reasons why. But the mindset of being in love and thinking it’s forever isn’t going to change the outcome that you’re going to get dumped for someone else. Coming in expecting bad news and getting good news won’t change the good news and vice versa.

Now, let’s say you’re obsessed with someone and they went and got a restraining order and you come to me, expecting me to tell you he’s going to change his mind, realize you are the only woman for him, he will see the light and marry you. That would be a case of self delusion and nothing I can say will fix that delusion. I become someone who doesn’t know what I’m doing and a fake if I tell you to stop, as your future card is the eight of swords, you’re going to get arrested for ignoring the restraining order. The outcome can be changed if you have a lucid moment where you realize you will be arrested if you keep hanging in his bushes and finally realize this has to stop. (Mind you, I’m not talking about you, I am using you in the general sense.)

Now, I’m not trying to blame the client here. But if a client gets a reading saying yes, a job is headed your way, I will tell them to keep sending those resumes, as something is on the way soon. I say that for a reason. What if the job I see coming up is a resume they were going to send tomorrow? If I just say, I see a job, there are many who will think, ok, I did the work, I sent the resumes, it’s one of the resumes I sent. So they go back to relaxing and the job they were supposed to get never materializes for them, as they didn’t send out that resume.

Now, if you aren’t hunting for a job at all, I will see no job headed your way. But if you get off the WoW servers, or the chat servers, or stop having readings obsessively and start emailing resumes, chances are you have changed the outcome again. Once again, I am using you in the lazy writing sense of the word.

This action or inaction can apply to most readings, most situations.

Now, to address your question about reading for yourself and getting various outcomes, that is common. You have to be able to read for yourself without fear, without worrying that it’s going to be bad news. Compare yesterday’s outcome to today’s. Are you looking at one month in one and another month in another? Are you phrasing the question in a different way? What do the two cards have in common? Two very opposite cards linked together can tell a story.

Also, are you letting your anxieties get the better of you as you read? Are the outcomes you’re seeing a byproduct of your fears?

Try doing this instead of reading for yourself. Every morning, draw yourself a card of the day. Don’t go so much by the book meaning, but what does that card mean to you? See how the card unfolds during the day. If you get something bad, don’t worry about it, it could turn out to just be a part of the day in question, not the entire day will revolve around being bad. Do this for a month and see how the cards are different from day to day. You can even do it so you’re addressing what you want to know about in the long run, then your card for the day becomes more of a lesson in how you handle the situation. How the situation can change from day to day. If I’m making any sense right now. I’m trying to convey a feeling that might not translate properly into words.

over 13 years ago