angel (angel34)

Hi my name is Debbie Anne Port and my date of birth is 01 January 1976 I have been out of employment for nearly 5 months I have followed my own advice so why don’t I have a job what am I doing wrong no one has told me or given me guidance on where I am going wrong so that I can do something about this immediately. I need a job now not in 10 years. And please do not tell me I have life lesson to learn that is a load of bull and just a poor excuse to say you don’t know. I want real answers so if you don’t know please do not post I am only interested in real answers.

I just found out what the problem has been but NOT one advisor that I have spoken to advised me just took my money and left me to just keep letting the same thing happen and that was my last employer sabotaging all my job applications. People who come to these forums and post want answers and a plan of action and this was no different for me yet I did not get that I am not impressed.

over 13 years ago

miko fox (miko)

allow me to take a moment to speak to you not as a reader/psychic/advisor,ect,ect but as somebody who hates to see people being dealt a bad hand. would it be possible for you to take legal action against your former employer?. what could you have done so wrong where you should never be allowed to work again?. im pretty sure that this person has no business sabotaging your job applications. thinking about it..i did see a few cards in the readings i gave you that looked like they could have fit this situation. like the queen of pentacles+7 of swords+5 of swords could represent your former employer scheming and doing everything in his/her power to ruin you. i really hope things turn around for you.

over 13 years ago

Angel Of Love (angel777)

Hello i have reed everything ..and i know why this is going on in your life..its best we chat in privet ..see me anytime blessings

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)

When I get a job I plan to not only continue with my grievance against the company for allowing that monster to steal from me but I will also sue the company for defamation that has caused loss of income that company is going to wish that they never ever did what they have done to me but I have to get a job first to then proceed to do the above.

over 13 years ago