Rita (ritaks64)

my Husband had a stroke back in November of 2010. Before this happened there was a distance between us It like we love each other but not in love with each other anymore. Since the stroke it seems we are just like good friends. I have been considering moving on as we spend alot of time seperated and we both seem to be fine with it. We still talk everday but it is like talking to a friend. Wondering if I should stay or move on?

over 12 years ago

Annabell (readingsbyannabell)

well sweetie to truly pick up on the situation i would need more pesonal infromation but I do feel that i have a good connnection with you so come for a chat with me

over 12 years ago

Starsalign (starsalign)

with a proper birth chart,being “born” on the day you were both married,we can see where the communication break downs lie,and if its best to stick with him,or move on to make yourself happy.contact me if your interest-xxx

over 12 years ago

Rita (ritaks64)

Sorry my name is Rita 7-24-64 His name is John 8-23-61 we were married on 3-16-87

over 12 years ago

lorraine (readings_with_lorraine)

hi rita…if you’d like a reading on your marriage with John, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m happy to offer you my service.

over 12 years ago

Spiritual Love Healer & Reu... (villanna)

Psychic Love Expert I can take a look at the connection you have had with your husband before the distance began, as well as the energy as of now, by comparing the two connection’s, we will be able to figure out what has changed, as well as how to repair, if possible and the reasons as to why things are as they are. Call me for a a direct connection reading.

over 12 years ago