
Hi I’m Rebecca 05/28/86 I was in an accident that was on the news it was that bad involving my suv (i wasn’t the driver) another car and a bus. when I went to a few lawyers they all seemed to have a problem with going after the paramedics and wanted to only go after ICBC. I’ve settled with ICBC but if i go back to a lawyer for the paramedics will i get turned down and if not how much can I hope to get from the lawsuit? I’m having a hard time with money and i’d like to do more for my son then i can right now and i’d like to know if it’s worth it. THX!

over 12 years ago

MRS.LEA.GARCIA☼ (ms.lea.garcia)

hey baby mama3 aka Rebecca, honestly i tapped into your guides and its showing me positivity for you and the case you want to open againts the paramedics, just find a good lawyer, there should 99.9% not be any problems or go againts them even yourself open up a dispute and see where it gos then if need’d get a lawyer on the case but honestly its showing a laywer should not be need’d

over 12 years ago

Debbie (angel90)

Ask around to find a good lawyer they are out there and they certainly know how to win a case. You could try citizens advice beaureau they have access to lists of lawyers. Try a community law centre it’s normally free for getting advice and may represent you. There is always a way as I have found bad publicity against someone or a company normally works. If you play your cards right it will go your way. My concern is are you doing this for the right reasons a judge may think your only after the money it should always be for other reasons such as protecting others from it being done to them. It looks more favourable to a judge. The money is just an added bonus. The right approach will enable it to go in your favour.

over 12 years ago


thanks everyone for your advice. I’m not after just for the money like you said it’s an addded bonus. Something for my family and son because I’m now not able to work like i should because it made me disabled in ways. I was humiliated on national tv. I was hit by a bus and then when they hooked me up to the stretcher they tipped me over and I fell hard to the ground and because of the accident no one could tell who made what damage to me. As they picked me off the ground not one of them said sorry and one even said “of course the reporters had to be here to get that on camera” I felt like crap after. Then when I went to ask the paramectics for compensation and possibly a public apology they said they couldnt do anything for me I’d have to call here and there and i was just given the run around bs cuz no one wanted to take responsibility for dropping me.

over 12 years ago