miko fox (miko)

so after taking some time to reflect on things im coming back to bitwine. the animal shelter i was looking into vollenteering at, i hear alot of complaints about so im looking into having them investigated. i also know they have a 4 month old pup who has already been neutured and last i checked you cant neuture/spay dogs and cats until they are atleast 6 months old. was also recently working in a place where they had animals and i could be wrong but i dont believe they were being cared for very well. i made a report to the aspca and hopefully they can check things out. i respect all life and i speak out against any kind of evil whenever i can. other than that im realizing a pattern with things i”ve been going through. i think whenever i have these crying spells and just feel very weird something is about to happen in the world.

notice how ever since william and kate’s wedding and osama bin laden (supposedly)being assassinated,it was like the earthquakes and tsunamis across the world(and the damage done as a result)never happened?. there have also been other natural disasters getting little or no media attention. recently heared about another earthquake in christchurch,nz..its rediculous. my thoughts and prayers go out to all who have been affected by every disaster,no matter how long its been.

ok so be honest,have i failed anybody on here?. i keep getting the feeling that somebody on here is angry with me….

over 12 years ago