Antara Tarocchi (antaratarocchi)

Meet and Greet with Antara

Hello everyone, never took the time when I first got on the platform to come on over and say hello, so taking the time to do so now. Im Antara Tarocchi, an Intutive Psyhcic and Tarot Advisor You could say I always had the gift, ever since I was a child, I have received visitations from the spiritual and angelic realms. These visitations continued through my teens and adulthood and to the current day helping me to strengthen and tone my connection with the unseen forces and divine wisdom. In my early teens I discovered the mystical powers of the tarot and ever since I have been using the cards to gain greater depth of understanding to my life and the lives of others. With my tool of the cards in fusion with my Natural Born Intuitive Insight, I deliver insightful readings that help bring clarity to the unseen, and give you the support you need to move forward making the best choice for you from an informed perspective. Aside from my foundations in the intuitive I have in depth study and practice within the spiritual philosophies of European Ritual Magick, Egyption Spirituality, and Eastern Mysticism as well as the Energy Healing and Balancing Arts.

about 1 year ago