D (lemonellowpie)

I have subjected myself to intense pressure and sleep deprivation. I don’t know if I make it out alive, and when I mean alive… I actually mean ALIVE. If I make it out ALIVE, I simply hope that I can make it out ‘alive’ too.

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

Time to get some sleep and stop punishing yourself for whatever reason. I hope you’re eating properly at least! Take care of yourself, honey, or things will spiral out of control and you’ll end up in a catch 22 situation x

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)

The question that comes to mind is WHY.

Are you aware of the implications of sleep deprivation.

Weight gain Potential car accident from falling asleep at the wheel Falling asleep on the job and being fired as a result The lowering of the immune system making you more prone to catching anything and everything that is in the air Moodiness making you jumpy and on edge

The best thing that you can do is stop and ask yourself why am I doing this what do I have to gain by doing this. Do you want to live or are you trying to take your own life. Are you screaming out for help by doing this. What was your childhood like the reason I ask this is becasue when a child goes through a traumatic time it then takes this into adulthood and self mutilation or something harmful is what the person does as punnishment to ease the pain and the memories of that time, their selfworth is much lower. If this is the case I would recommend hypnosis of some kind to sort out the negative thoughts in your mind I say this because normal counselling does not target the subconscious mind only the conscious mind and it is the subconscious mind that is the issue the thoughts that you have are stored in their and reprogramming is the only way to sort this. I have been there so I am familiar with this and that is why I ask you about your childhood.

over 13 years ago

Karen Thibodeau (karentangel)

1) go for a hot bath with soothing music 2) make sure your room is cool .. to hot of a room and you wont be able to sleep 3) whisper thoughts (ask for peace so you can have a peaceful sleep and may the angels watch over you) – i know may sound strange but it works 4) put on some sooth music … and close those eyes

over 13 years ago

D (lemonellowpie)

lol at the comments. No I’m not crying out for help or trying to commit suicide. I have a major exam coming up and im scared to death. I’ve been drugging myself with caffeine pills, energy drinks, gingko + brahmi supplements, and berocca ^^ I’m just hoping my lack of sleep isn’t going to kill me. I thought someone would be able to sense that… I guess not.. weird assumption I guess

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

As I said, you’re getting into a spiral. If you keep yourself awake trying to study and focus on the revision, you are seriously going to affect how you perform in this major exam! Yes, exams are scary. Yes, you want to perform better than your best in this one. But I assume you enjoy the subject, or you wouldn’t have got so far as to be taking such a major exam in it? In which case you should trust yourself and your abilities and try and enjoy the challenge. Stop inflicting and punishing your poor body and brain with all this crap. To my perception of this, you are, In a way, crying out for help because, understandably, you are scared about the exam. The taking of all these drugs indicates panic and being out of control with how you are dealing with this major scary thing! Now, I suggest that you meditate before you go to bed, take time to wind down and de-stress. Some people recommend playing a recording of what you have to revise as you go to sleep because in a relaxed state you can allow the information to sink in and process itself. If you feel like taking caffeine and stuff, do a 5 minute exercise instead. Exercise stimulates the brain. Limit your caffeine and energy supplements.For instance, have an espresso to reward yourself for a good morning’s work rather than as a prop. I’m sure you’ll find your feet. But no exam is worth all this understandable fear. Try and calm down and have fun with it, you are more than capable. Good luck!

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)

Well the reason why I said what I did is because what you have said is classic signs you never explained that you were sitting exams the question now is what if you were to fall asleep at one of your exams. Sleep is important in being able to cope in the real world no exam is worth subjecting yourself to what you are if you think exams are bad try the sort of pressure you would be put under in a job there are mean and nasty people that exist in jobs how are you going to handle that my suggestion is stop putting poison into your body and start doing things like meditation and hypnosis to calm the mind this will help. You have to look after your body now as when you are older you will see for yourself the implications of your actions and drugs are addictive you certainly do not want an addiction as it could go against you in getting a job or keeping a job if you are subjected to drug testing and yes workplaces have a legal right to demand a drug test. Think about the bigger picture here not just the here and now. You will be better off if you stop what you are doing it is not good and won’t get you anywhere but into trouble down the track.

over 13 years ago