hazel (hazel99)

HELLO! Im going to take a really important test to see if I can get into school and the program I know I am meant to be in but im so nervous…ive been studying and this just means SO MUCH to me as a mother of three…just hoping to better my future…ANY INSIGHT???......THANKS.DOB 11-8-81

over 12 years ago

Ashley Nicole Martin (mirror_of_infinity)

Take a deep breath… relax… I am sure you will do fine… everything that happens happens because it was meant to… so worrying can actuallly be creating some self sabatage… So pleas help yourself and do your best to relax… I wish you luck… much peace, and love to you…

over 12 years ago

hazel (hazel99)


over 12 years ago

Laurie Ross (laurieross)

Based on the dob I do see things will go just fine . Positive projection is very important , send it out into the universe that you will do great and you will receive that back. Anxiety and worry the universe only recognizes this as negative… Do the right thing project positive , wish you lots of luck Laurie

over 12 years ago

Psychic Trena (psychictrena)

Hazel this feels very positive

over 12 years ago

Spirits Speak (naboraras)

yes u will

over 12 years ago