
I wanted to make this post thanking and showing appreciation to all of the ethical, compassionate and trustworthy advisors on here. I don’t think that what you do for us means a lot. Most of us are going through things that have rocked our world to the point of depression and sadness. Too many times, appreciation and thanks aren’t given to those who take the time, effort and energy to help those in need. Yes, you get paid, but when you come from a place of love and true guidance, money doesn’t mean a thing. I felt compelled to share this and hope that everyone has an awesome and amazing day! Peace.

over 4 years ago

Miss tula (miss_tula)


over 4 years ago

LeeLoo's Esotericorner (lunamadalina)

Thank you :)

over 4 years ago

❤️PROTEUS❤️ (psychicmichaelkemo)

Thank you so very much for taking the time to give thanks.

Greatest Blessings, ~pmk

over 4 years ago

Sahil (dancing_voice)

Thanks a lot and I hope I serve my duty and help out people as much as I can and guide them to right path. lots of love:) Regards: dancing_voice

over 4 years ago

Visions By Violet (violetmae)

Aww, thank you for the lovely post and for spreading your light! There are many beautiful spirits on Bitwine, and it’s an honor and a blessing to do this work with you all. :)

over 4 years ago

Desiree K (thesacredtribe)

You are so welcome. Thank you for your kindness

over 4 years ago

SunTiger (mystic_suntiger)


I don’t believe I’ve ever worked with you (perhaps you used a different pseudonym?) Energetically I’m not feeling like we worked together either.

Meanwhile, I think it’s very nice you would say “thank you.” There’s a story in the New Testament where Jesus addressed gratitude and the importance of saying “thanks.” It was because multitudes followed him but only one of the lepers he healed said “thanks.”

Very cool on your part. (Not saying readers do what Jesus did … but we do make our contributions to healing.) :-D


over 4 years ago