
Ive tried to be roommates with my ex, but its just a very negative situation. I feel stuck, no money. . Will a miracle happen to where i can get out on my own very soon. Or will i be stuck w him for awhile yet?

over 4 years ago

marva.lee (sunn10020)

Hello, Let me help you and give you full insight and details when things will change for you and much more. On line now Live chat . I have specials . Blessings

over 4 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

He is keeping you from moving forward,by being a financial burden as well as a negative in your life. The sooner you get rid of him the sooner you can spread your own wings.

over 4 years ago

Christine Ramm-Matthews (naturalbornpsychic)

First you need drive and determination. Without that, a timeframe is hopeless. Make a plan and follow it. Life is handed to no one. If you are tired of it, get out. Spirit said you would remain tbere for some time. I asked again….if you were to truly apply yourself, what the best case scenario would be….You could be out and even employed by the 1st of August, but again, it is up to you.

over 4 years ago

Miss tula (miss_tula)


over 4 years ago


Christine, i am employed. I just started this job though. Things are tight. He keeps twisting things. One sec hes ok hanging out then the next hes accusing me of trying to be his gf. I know he has no interest in me and most likely has another interest. Twist everything to be on me no matter how ass backwards it is. He says he cares but i feel he doesnt.idk.. i just dont get how the one who hurts you can move on so quick with everything and your left alone to pick up all the pieces and cant move on until you get yourself right. Sorry just so confused.ty for your help evrryone

over 4 years ago

Pixie Dust (pixiedust28)

I’m sorry you are stuck in the place you are, Audry. It stinks and I know its an emotional roller coaster when it’s with someone you have had an romantic relationship with. You will set yourself up for further disappointment if you expect a miracle to save you, but you focus your intention on manfesting a situation that will help you move out. The universe has more than you can even imagine lined up for you. Try to keep an open mind. I can give you an example of how the universe provides abundance. Once month during a new moon ritual looking for a way to gain more knowledge in my field. I wanted to take classes, but the funds where just no available to me at that time. A few months later I got a random facebook message asking if was interested in some books. A friend from from HS i hadn’t seen in literally a decade and a half had a friend who’s wife passed a way and here entire book collection, plus 30 decks of tarot cards, herbs, and oils where given to me. This girl randomly though of me because she know I was into the topics the books covered. They were all energy healing, witchcraft, angels, any metaphysical topic you can think of. Did I magically get the $5000 to take the class? No. But, the universe provided me a way to obtain knowledge…which is exactly what I asked for. :) Be specific but opened minded! Magick is real, but its not subtle!

If you are interested in any info on working specific moon phases and other magical correspondences for different outcomes, I’d be happy to help.

Bright blessings! Pixie

over 4 years ago

Psychic Nerissa (mystic_nerissa)

Hi Audry – let’s assess the energy shifts coming up and the timeframe. I’m online now if you’d like to work through this. It’s holding you back in other areas of your life, so it’s crucial to get answers on this asap. Nerissa x

over 4 years ago