
Hi, I wonder if its possible to change the etheric template body in the purpose of healing or body shape transformation. How can somebody do this? Is there any meditation or other technique? How is this related to throat chakra? How can i heal my throat chakra? What are the most common emotional or spiritual causes for women problems like cysts or menstrual pain? Also what is the reason why fat would be only on some areas on the body like leggs? How can somebody get more psychical energy and vitality for practicing sports? Thanks

over 5 years ago

Atesha (angelatesh)

transcendental meditation…yes changes can be made to the physical body, even down to shifting the bone structure. I know this because I have done it to myself. It takes a great deal of skill and time meditating to achieve the ability to do this to self.

all the female issues including fat stores usually come down to the hormones in the body being unbalanced. when the hormones are not in balance we get a variety of undesirable issues as woman, including storing fat in places like the stomach and legs. cysts would also be included in this as well as painful periods, etc.

besides meditation, eating only natural foods is crucial to healing the hormonal balance in the body. processed carbohydrates like breads, pasta, processed sugars all cause inflammation in the body which leads to this hormonal disruption thus causing these types of issues. we are fed these things basically since birth, so right out the gate we are exposed to inflammations in the body that shouldn’t be there. also…the meat and dairy u choose to consume, if you do, also is huge. industrial meats and dairies are all procured with animals that are not well cared for, and are pumped with hormones and antibiotics that are then present in these things when we eat them. organic, grass fed meats and dairies are best if you feel you need to still consume these types of products.

important to note that this is a process of healing…healing takes time, it is not instant. it will take years of meditation and proper food consumption to heal the damages done to the body thru eating poorly and being subjected to environmental toxins, for instance in our water and the air we breathe.

over 5 years ago

Atesha (angelatesh)

also wanted to add one more bit about this…the goal of making these kinds of changes for ones self should never be about vanity….there are only two reasons one is granted this ability….the first being to improve physical health, and in doing so naturally the body will change to it’s ideal shape and health. the second is for protection, shapeshifting.

if you are doing this for the reasons of vanity and simply “looking better” you will never be granted the ability.

over 5 years ago