
Will my relationship with 6-28-73 ever truly get better? Will he ever trully try to understand,to just see things from my point of view..though i might be wrong in feeling it..understand why i feel it. Right now..he just doesnt want to deal w it. Which i get.. he is getting good things done in his life.. but he doesnt want to see it has a negative effect on me ..all he sees is.. why u always negative.. no one else has an issue w me.. .. he give all his time,effort,etc to everyone else ,all they see is the hero side, and i get the crap left over… , im too tired,broke, left alone… while he has a life w everyone else. and he wonders why i get an attitude. . And tjinks ditching me is teaching me a lesson.. .idk… he slowly sees things but.. will he ..really? What an i doing wrong?

over 5 years ago

Miss tula (miss_tula)

if you would like to connect with me for a full life reading call me now as im online to take your call.

over 5 years ago

Psychic Alinaa (psychicalinaa)

Hi dear,

I see you are stuck in many things around you which disturb your own energies.I will check for you and tell you more about it after spirit connection.Feel free to join me.I will help you and guide you towards the right path of your happiness.

God bless you

over 5 years ago

anastayshia (anastayshia)

hello dear and welcome nd yes it seems that this man has stumbling blocks in his life. im seeing that it is not you but it is him he is okay with others but when it comes to you he doesn’t know how to act. he pulls away from you there is a lot of hurt coming from the past and he is not over it it caused fear in his heart.

over 5 years ago

marva.lee (sunn10020)

Hello, Let me look into spirit , I see a lot around him an understand what you are going through with him . I will give you the truth from spirit . I have specials today . Live cha t. Blessings

over 5 years ago


Hello. Theres alot of energy shifting in a negative way. This distance created a blocking in your two energys and spirits. contact me for help and guidance

over 5 years ago

Insights by James (jamesm)

Hi Audry,

This is somewhat of a complex question, because when speaking from a metaphysical or spiritual viewpoint it is important to remember that no one has the power to create your future except you. The cards don’t create your future, nor can any psychic advisor create your future. We can look at your trajectory and see what path you are on, but that would not negate metaphysical law.

There are two primary laws to consider that are universally accepted in metaphysics and spirituality.

1. The mind has a profound effect on how reality is experiences. Another way of saying this is that every thought that you think and word that you speak is constantly shaping your world and experiences. This can be called faith, Law of Attraction, mindfulness, etc.

2. Whatever you are giving out will come back to you multiplied. This means that to ensure an experience that is meaningful we must be willing to give out what we want to see in the experience. For example, if we want to see more love the best advise is to seek to be more loving in all of your circumstances. This law is called reciprocity, karma, Law of Attraction, etc.

Are things going to change, the truth is that yes, everything is constantly changing. I would be happy to look at the relationship itself in a specific way to see the path that you are currently on, but I also wanted to provide you with some basic understanding of how you can make the changes you will experiences more pleasant.

If you do want a reading, please mention that I posted in the Q&A section of the site and I will give you 10% off of any flat rate minute bundle.

Happy Holidays!

Love & light, James M.

over 5 years ago

SunTiger (mystic_suntiger)

Audry921 ~

Instead of blaming him for the way you feel left behind and alone, think of ways to build his interest in you. What could you do to seem more fascinating? Do things that are fun for you and you will feel happier. Then he will WANT to be with you more.

I’d love to provide you with a fully detailed reading. I’m here to help.


over 5 years ago