I am now here. (cards)

If i do sex with a woman (im a woman) does it affect my karma from the wrong side? I mean can someone had bad karma because of this?

over 5 years ago

Psychic Alinaa (psychicalinaa)

Hi dear,

I will give you the accurate answer of your question according to the Holly Book.Feel free to join me.I will help you and guide you towards the right path of your happiness.

God bless you

over 5 years ago

anastayshia (anastayshia)

hello dear and welcome nd yes it will effect you spiritually , it was not meant for you to sleep with another woman or actually be with another woman . im on line if you want to talk.

over 5 years ago

marva.lee (sunn10020)

Hello, Let me look into spirit and see what affect it will have and thoughts . On line now . I will look into spirit and give you the truth what is around you I have specials today . Live chat . Blessings

over 5 years ago

Angel Messenger (angels_messenger)

There isn’t much information given in regards to the question. Such as are you attracted to women? Is this something that you feel drawn to? Is this someone you care for? That being said, will it affect you karmically. If you are leading this person on, or being dishonest with yourself then yes it will. Besides all of this it sounds like you need to do some soul searching, and allow yourself to determine what you really want. When you picture your ideal relationship how do you see it? Do you connect best energetically with females or males. I myself believe we have many soul mates and one twin flame. Connecting yourself to spirit via meditation, prayer etc will allow you to truly search your soul for the answers. If you are condemning yourself for sexual attraction to a female how will you react to sexual attraction to a male? You have to allow yourself permission to feel your own feelings.

over 5 years ago

Christine of Cups (christineofcups)

Hello and thank you for asking this question. How can love and desire tip your karma? I don’t believe it can. Spiritually, if your passions are for a woman, then this is where your heart and soul take you. I have a special LGBTQ deck to explore further with you. Please message so we can establish a time for a reading. Much love and light to you.

over 5 years ago

Zella Tarot (zellaintuitivetarot)

Hi, I can tell you are conflicted about this situation. Your feelings for this lady aren’t in line with your belief system. Feel welcomed to contact me for help with your question. I’m an accurate, LGBT friendly, psychic. I do not judge. Blessings Zella

over 5 years ago

Miss tula (miss_tula)


over 5 years ago

SunTiger (mystic_suntiger)

Your question is coming from things you have heard in the past. Religious judgment. You learned these cruel and controlling statements from people you looked up to but now you are wondering “how do they know?” The statements are not based on any kind of fact that you can see.

We are NEVER punished for loving people!

Negative karma happens when we act in selfish ways that cause HARM to others.

I’d be happy to do a love reading for you if you’d like (to see if this relationship will be long term for you or not).

I hope that helps clear things up for you.


over 5 years ago

Janine (windywings)

I am a lesbian. As well as an intuitive and an empath. Human sexuality will not impact your karma because of this. Any reader on here who says otherwise is an idiot who is ego driven rather than spiritually driven. Happy to discuss this if you’d like.

over 5 years ago

LeeLoo's Esotericorner (lunamadalina)


over 5 years ago

Visions By Violet (violetmae)

Being part of the LGBTQ community myself, I can tell you that your sexuality does not define your karma. And there is NOTHING wrong with being gay, bisexual or otherwise. It is not a sin. I encourage you to walk the path of self-acceptance as you discern your authentic truth.



over 5 years ago

Pixie Dust (pixiedust28)

Anyone who tells you that sex with the same gender is harmful to your karma is absolutely out of their minds. That kind of thinking is outdated and used to scare people. The only possible way sex would be negative energetically or karmically is if it were non consensually.

over 5 years ago

Insights by James (jamesm)

Hi Now Here,

This cannot affect you karmically, however, there are two primary metaphysical laws at play in our lives.

The first is faith and the second is karma. The first can often satiate the affects of the second. Faith simply means that every thought you think and word that you speak is constantly shaping your world and experience.

If you mental paradigm is opposed to your action you could unintentionally create some unexpected consequences. This is because you are working against your own nature from a mental and emotional perspective.

I would highly recommend working on some self-love techniques. This can shift any subconscious resistance you have related to your sexuality and sexual expression.

First off, I would highly recommend looking in the mirror each morning and saying, “I love you exactly as you are.”

I would also recommend using the mantra, “I approve of myself.” Say it all day long until this really sinks in and you truly do approve of all aspects of yourself, including your sexuality. You may want to throw in every so often, “I approve of my sexuality.”

You are who you are and this includes your sexuality. Expressing yourself in meaningful ways in a safe and consensual exchange with another person can be a beautiful and pleasurable experience. It is meant to be this way. Sexuality is simply another facet of the human experience.

The soul really has no sexuality and sexuality is meant to be a learning experience in our lifetime. Just remember that what you believe about yourself and about life becomes true for you. You have the power to rewire your brain and see all aspects of yourself as a gift.

If you want to look into this further, I would be glad to do a reading for you. Let me know that you are coming into the chat from the message board and I will give you 10% off of any of my flat rate minute sessions.

You are perfect just the way that you are. Karma is not punitive. It is a teacher that is attempting to lead us to a greater understanding of love, joy, and peace. Even so called “negative” karma is meant to teach us to shift our behaviors from fear based reactions to proactive love based actions. The goal is not to try and get good karma, but break from that system altogether and find peace.

Love & light, James

over 5 years ago