Teanna Inell Jackson (teanna_13)

I been talking to this person that is a psychic we been talking to her quite some time now she claims to be homeless I helped her as much as I can it seems to me something not quite right about it but maybe I’m wrong I trying to ignore this person but then I feel bad because they needed help that I feel that maybe they are taking advantage of that I don’t know what you think about this?

over 5 years ago

marva.lee (sunn10020)

Hello, I see a lot through spirit , we all go through bad times one time or another . . But the greatest gift is to pray for her and for her to be able to receive help . If you would like a reading , please come in and let me give you insight and details on all of your questions . You don’t know what went on in her household . I have specials today . Blessings

over 5 years ago

SunTiger (mystic_suntiger)


Due to your question, I am more concerned about YOU than I am about your casual friend/psychic lady. When it comes to charity, children and pets need to be rescued. Adults (whether they are homeless are not) need to be treated as adults; capable of making decisions to better their own life. There are many charitable programs that will give her food, clothing, and a bed where she can sleep. Help direct her to them.

Key to this reading is to realize that your acquaintance cannot take advantage of you unless you put yourself in a vulnerable position to be taken advantage of. Be her friend. Treat her like the adult she is. When you have excess to share and it feels good to give … do it.

I pulled a card while asking Spirit to give you a more detailed helpful message.

The Justice Card is all about making sure to examine the consequences of every action. When you GIVE, be aware of the impact your decisions will have on both your well-being and the well-being of your psychic acquaintance. Expect zero returns on any gifts. It is not yours to decide if she is taking advantage. Your question is merely about whether your gifts genuinely help her or not. If giving makes her DEPENDENT, that is not a gift – it is a hindrance.

Use your logic. I hope that helps.


over 5 years ago

psychic lauren (psychic_lauren)

I can help you on your situation call me my love readings are 25 dollars for 45 minutes

over 5 years ago

Teanna Inell Jackson (teanna_13)

Yes right your suntiger(mystic_suntiger) I have said this woman lots of money for hotels for her and her mother to stay in and food I tried to like even talk to her about possibly getting some help through like a homeless shelter or something like that but it does not seem to work I feel like I’m doing nothing more but making it worse so I feel like I got to stop doing it.

over 5 years ago

anastayshia (anastayshia)

hello dear and welcome and yes its okay to help some one but this woman is taking advantage of you.im on line .

over 5 years ago

SunTiger (mystic_suntiger)


You are right to stop giving when it no longer feels good to do so. There’s no reason to feel guilty about trying to help someone only to realize it’s starting to feel like a codependent situation. Because you know it is disrespectful to keep rescuing her, like she is a child, you must move on.

That’s all you can do. She is a grownup who will face grownup consequences for her own behavior. So often people with addiction must hit rock bottom before they can begin to take steps to get better. If you keep holding her up she may never find her own legs.

Hope that helps


over 5 years ago

GodsMessenger (spiritualjade)

Everyone ends up where they are as a result of their choices, so as cold as it may sound, I am coming from a place myself of needing to rebuild, but that type of attitude, looking to others to solve it is exactly why shes there.

sending love to her and her family, but in this situation you need to set some healthy boundaries..

also, as a professional, I would never ask a client to ‘assist’ financially to help me.

sounds like spirits are trying to teach her a lesson cause shes listening to all the wrong spirits.

tell her you will say a prayer for her, but dont send money unless its for a reading,

and in this position where shes vulnerable and desperate id just give her as much good energy as you can and dont contribute any more money to it,

send her info in her area of where she can go past this point.

knowledge is power. xx

over 5 years ago

Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

Good Day Teanna,

It is understandable that you would feel the way you do after giving and giving.

Sometimes things happen to people and resources just aren’t available to assist them.

Some places do not have enough space in homeless shelters to house everyone who needs a bed.

Some places do not have “Soup Kitchens” where they can go to get a prepared meal free.

Some places have so many displaced people, due to things like hurricanes, floods and tropical storms or wild fires, that there just isn’t enough resources to help everyone.

Let’s look at the Carolina’s (Both of them) There were hundreds of families displaced due to the hurricanes which blew through there a few months ago. Some people were flooded out of their homes. Some homes were destroyed. Some people are STILL displaced after all this time. FEMA isn’t helping everyone. There isn’t enough charity in these areas to help everyone.

Looking over to the West Coast we have an uncounted number of people who have been displaced. After the entire town burns down there really isn’t any place to turn for help, other than FEMA or to a new city. FEMA isn’t helping everyone.

Georgia was hit by a Hurricane for the first time in some areas. FEMA isn’t helping everyone and some areas do not have enough charity organizations to help.

(These are just a few examples)

It is commendable that you would reach out to help other humans the way you have. Thank you for all you do.

Follow your heart and what your guides and guardians are telling you.

There are ways to research to find out if the things this person is telling you is true.

If you feel like you are being taken advantage of, but your moved to help there are ways that you can help without sending money.

Here are ideas: Paying for a hotel – Ask for the name, address and phone number of the hotel. Be sure to ask for the name on the ID of the person who will be putting the room in their name.

Call the hotel to confirm that this person is in fact there in need of a room. Pay the hotel over the phone with your card.

Be specific how long you will pay for and put any restrictions on the payment if need be.

(Restrictions being not paying for phone calls if they aren’t included in the hotel rates, not allowing any movies or additional charges to be charged to your card.)

Be open and up front with the desk clerk to let them know exactly what you are willing to pay for and what you will not.

Paying For Food – Find out where the nearest Walmart is to this person.

Arrange for this person to go online and send you a list of items which meet the limit of funds you are willing to spend on food.

You go online to the Walmart store location website. Order the groceries and have them available for pick up by the person you are donating them to.

(Remember when you pay with a card either in person or online that any refunds would be put back on your card, so there is no chance of the person trying to get a cash refund)

> Order a pizza or other food items to be delivered to them online.

There are many innovative ways to ensure that your kind gestures are not being taken advantage of.

You are an Angel on Earth and it takes people like you to ensure that the world is safe, fed and housed sometimes.

Thanks For All You Do

over 5 years ago

Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

Good Day Teanna,

It is understandable that you would feel the way you do after giving and giving.

Sometimes things happen to people and resources just aren’t available to assist them.

Some places do not have enough space in homeless shelters to house everyone who needs a bed.

Some places do not have “Soup Kitchens” where they can go to get a prepared meal free.

Some places have so many displaced people, due to things like hurricanes, floods and tropical storms or wild fires, that there just isn’t enough resources to help everyone.

Let’s look at the Carolina’s (Both of them) There were hundreds of families displaced due to the hurricanes which blew through there a few months ago. Some people were flooded out of their homes. Some homes were destroyed. Some people are STILL displaced after all this time. FEMA isn’t helping everyone. There isn’t enough charity in these areas to help everyone.

Looking over to the West Coast we have an uncounted number of people who have been displaced. After the entire town burns down there really isn’t any place to turn for help, other than FEMA or to a new city. FEMA isn’t helping everyone.

Georgia was hit by a Hurricane for the first time in some areas. FEMA isn’t helping everyone and some areas do not have enough charity organizations to help.

(These are just a few examples)

It is commendable that you would reach out to help other humans the way you have. Thank you for all you do.

Follow your heart and what your guides and guardians are telling you.

There are ways to research to find out if the things this person is telling you is true.

If you feel like you are being taken advantage of, but your moved to help there are ways that you can help without sending money.

Here are ideas: Paying for a hotel – Ask for the name, address and phone number of the hotel. Be sure to ask for the name on the ID of the person who will be putting the room in their name.

Call the hotel to confirm that this person is in fact there in need of a room. Pay the hotel over the phone with your card.

Be specific how long you will pay for and put any restrictions on the payment if need be.

(Restrictions being not paying for phone calls if they aren’t included in the hotel rates, not allowing any movies or additional charges to be charged to your card.)

Be open and up front with the desk clerk to let them know exactly what you are willing to pay for and what you will not.

Paying For Food – Find out where the nearest Walmart is to this person.

Arrange for this person to go online and send you a list of items which meet the limit of funds you are willing to spend on food.

You go online to the Walmart store location website. Order the groceries and have them available for pick up by the person you are donating them to.

(Remember when you pay with a card either in person or online that any refunds would be put back on your card, so there is no chance of the person trying to get a cash refund)

> Order a pizza or other food items to be delivered to them online.

There are many innovative ways to ensure that your kind gestures are not being taken advantage of.

You are an Angel on Earth and it takes people like you to ensure that the world is safe, fed and housed sometimes.

Thanks For All You Do

P.S. – Just because it is an Advisor doesn’t mean that person is earning enough income to support all their needs.

Sometimes the readings are few and far between. There is no guarantee when a client will pay for a reading.

over 5 years ago

Teanna Inell Jackson (teanna_13)

Right I argee priestess kandi ranson (priestesskandiranson) it started out as she giving me a reading and then it went from that to can you help me and she started explaining to me what her situation was and that was that she was telling me she and her mother was homeless and I couldn’t help but feels sympathy for that and I wanted to help her of course but as time went on I just kept feeling like I was seeing red flags she kept telling me certain people were blocking her she was asking me to get her a Uber so she can leave out of town she wanted me to pay $300 for her Uber I have no problem of giving to people that’s in need but I feel like it became more than that and I wanted to just help this person to get the help they need but I just didn’t know if I was doing the right thing at the time and I just felt the spirit told me just stop altogether cuz something was wrong.

over 5 years ago

Leona Graves (leonagraves)

Agreed – this is a situation in which you would be considered ‘an enabler’ which basically means you are enabling this person to remain in a dependent situation.

Your heart is in the right place.

The Queen of Swords is your card in this scenario – a compassionate woman is required to make a logical choice to keep order and structure in her kingdom. She can sometimes be shown with a tear in her eye such as in the Deviant Moon Tarot.

She needs to learn to stand up for herself with the tools you have already given her. What you are doing by letting her go is very healthy for her.

over 5 years ago

Jodie (light4you)

ten mins for ten dollars come see me !

over 5 years ago