Ivy (ivy09)

Hello, I and my significant other went out last weekend, in the midst of me locking my vehicle and then getting into a Lyft and going to our destination then coming back home by the way of his family member’s vehicle my keys were lost. Aside from my car key, there was the key to my mother’s home in which I would not want to end up in the wrong hands / she has lost trust in me, as she holds the safety of herself and home dear. Please help!

over 5 years ago

lana rose (psychiclana)

its near grass

over 5 years ago

Ivy (ivy09)

I wasn’t near grass when I lost it, live in a very dry climate where grass is almost non-existent, unless it has since been relocated by someone else, thank you for your insight Lana Rose.

over 5 years ago

Miss Mau (missmau)

I see you talking to someone, holding some paper in your hands or moving paper from one part to the next. It seems it is then that you lost them. Talk to those involved, try to make a list of places you visited (write on paper). It will help you get closer. Good luck!

over 5 years ago